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Reservation Based/Community Determined Program
Indians and the Law: Uncovering the Truth and Moving to Praxis
Fall 2002 | Winter & Spring 2003
Writer's Workshop
printable version of Writer's Workshop strand descriptions

Writer's Workshop Strands for Fall and Winter:

Coyote Cast of Characters
Yvonne Peterson--petersoy@evergreen.edu--(360) 867-6485

Telling Our Stories
Michelle Aguilar-Wells--indianway@centurytel.net--(360) 276-4598

Manifest Images
Phil Smith --unclefil@msn.com
Frances Rains--rainsf@evergreen.edu--(360) 867-6086

Tribal Newsletters: Straight Talk
Dianne Conrad--conradd@evergreen.edu

Writing Research Papers (link to more info)
Jeff Antonelis-Lapp --lappj@evergreen.edu--(253) 735-6647 x120

Showcase your work at our program's Writer's Fair: Saturday, April 26
last updated: 5/16/2003; site maintained by Jeff Antonelis-Lapp (lappj@evergreen.edu)