Water in the Law and Environmental Sciences

Research Sample (Law)

Plan A - Six Weeks or More

Step Three: Collecting Background Information

Summit is a beautiful thing. This catalog allows you to access the books and government documents to some thirty schools around the Pacific Northwest.

When you look at a Summit reference look for key terms that you can use in your project our elsewhere in your research:

Why? You can use these pieces of information to find more. It's the start of your paper trail.

For this research example, here are some keywords that I tried in Summitt that pertain to our topic water in law:

At this point, I am now able to narrow my search to dairy cattle and their effect on water quality.

I also know that I can focus on Whatcom County in Washington to fit my prompt.

I have a preliminary list of articles and reports I want to read, and I have a question I want to answer:

How are Whatcom County dairy farms coping with water quality management?

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