Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons


My garden site is going to be in a friends yard, where a partial garden already exists. My friends bought a house a year and a half ago that was overgrown with all sorts of plants that had once been a maintained garden, but had been somewhat neglected for a while. Last summer they began pulling some things out and bringing in new dirt and replanting.

My daughter and I are going to help with it this spring and summer and our families are going to share the products of the garden. It will mostly be a vegetable garden. We are thinking of planting carrots, beets, tomatoes, calendula, cucumbers, blueberries, basil, and maybe more.

The spot we are using is very long and narrow and it gets sun most of the day. This is the spot that they started last year. It is pretty much ready to go. Another spot we are going to try and use is all overgrown with plants that we are going to try and pull up and thin out and possibly keep some of and plant flowers in some of.

I have never had a garden space before, my oldest daughter who is six is in love with gardening and plants and has often taken care of friends and relatives gardens and she cannot wait to get going on this garden and grow some things.



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