Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons


Step 1:

Do to living arrangemants I will not be able to have an outdoor garden at this point in my life. I am planning to grow a small garden indoors but the where, how, what and money are still out of site to me right now.

Step 2:

I am going to plant one herb for me , one for my daughter, one for my partner and one for the 3 of us to share. It will be so wonderful to have a beautiful garden with spicific herbs to heal my family. I still so not have the money to buy a container for my garden but I know that it needs to be a hanging garden free from harm from my daughter and dog.

Step 3:

Mentha piperita Peppermint, family, Lamiaceae. Perennial, 2-3 feet in heigth, green smooth, toothed leaves. I chose peppermint because I have found it's stomach setteling properties to be a life saver with my Ulser. It is used for digestive system, relieves spasma, increases persperation, improves digestion and is an antiseptic.

Melissa officinalis Lemon Balm, family: Lamiaceae. Perennial, 2 ft. in height. Ovate toothed leaves 3-7 cm. pale yellow flowers in summer. It is an anti-viral, aromatic, cooling, lowers feaver, inproves digestion, relaxes spasms, inhibits thyroid activity, anti-bacterial, insect repelent. I chose this one for my boyfriend because he gets feavers often and for long periods of time.

Matricaria recutita German Chamomile. Family: Aster. Annual, sweet scented, much-branched stems, finly divided leaves 1 1/2 - 3 in. long, flowers are white and yellow 1 in. long which come in summer. It is a Bitter, aromatic, sedative, relaxes spasms, reduces inflammation, relieves pain, promaotes healing, benefits digestion, stimulates immune system, nervous digestive upsets, i.b.s. , insomnia, motion sickness, teething and colic. I chose this herb for my daughter who had trouble going to sleep at night and staying asleed throughout the night(this one is somewhat for me to then).

Salvia officinalis Garden Sage. Family: Lamiaceae. Peremmial, branchie stems, leafs are wrinkled, velvery and pale gray up to 3 in. Produces blue-ish purple flawers. It acts at an antiseptic, tonic, relaxes spasams, supperesses perspiration and lactation, inproves liver function and digestion, anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant. Sage was my choicefor all 3 of us to share, to help bring more peach and relaxation to out family.

The circular garden basket allows fot sage to be in the middle with 3 sections around the outer edge for each of the 3 other herbs. I have perchased the hanging basket, soil and 4 seed types. In my ceramics class I have made a pot for the sage in the center spot and a wattering can.




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