Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Project Reflections

Date Place Reflections
1/14/06 Johansen Ballet studios on 5th and Jefferson I found the experience of learning an another's cultural celebration was enjoyable and refreshing. The drums have always been an instrument that I've enjoyed playing. This is in preparation for the Pressesion of the Species Parade in the Spring! I hope to continue to learn more about the Chinese New Year and it's application to the beliefs and environments of their culture as well as my own.
1/21/06 Johansen Ballet Studios on 5th and Jefferson Again tonight, the pure enjoyment of learning from a master of his culture! The Se-Fu taught us many new beats to arrouse the dragon/lions for the celebration. I found it challenging and purely fun! The Chinese Marching Band is a new and wonderful experience for me and I wish to be part of future learning experiences to enjoy with my fellow students!
1/29/06 Evergreen Campus HEAT Program First Heat class of the quarter. I did not know what to exspect! We had 14 children from ages 2 1/2 to 14! It was great watching children learn and experience their environment! I assisted w/ material preparation, snacks, watching the little ones from hurting themselves, and clean-up. It was a good first class! We made finger puppets! The kids had a puppet show at the end of class and the children's ages clearly defined their subject matter in their performance, which I thought was really enjoyable!
2/5/06 Evegreen Campus HEAT Program Week two! This week we work on Nature Hats with materials found during our nature hike around the woods on campus! The Sun was shinning and the kids seemed to really enjoy the out of doors in conjunction with the class! Snacks and fun were had by all!
2/12/06 Evergreen Campus Heat Program Week three! This week we worked on sock puppets with the children! We went on a nature hike as it was a nice day! The children recognised many animals and plants while out on the walk. I again assisted w/ set up, clean-up and preparation of materials for the class. It was a good experience for me watching young minds develop as the class progressed! Again, followed by a puppet show in which some classmates participated in , the class was fun had by all!
2/17/06 Hewitt Lake, WA During this Friday, I worked out in nature for the gathering of Ivy vines for my classmates to use during our Saturday basket weaving class! I cut away harmful ivy off of old pines as to protect them form being overcome by the ivy and thusly, dying from being sponged dry as the ivy grows and sapples the water (moisture) out of the tree until it will eventually die! I found an old Duck nest! Reflective in my nature journal, it was sadd to see the out of season eggs as they surely were from last year! It was a joy to see nature in action as I viewed many ducks, swans, and other natural birds around the lake! I left the nest alone a drew a picture to remind me of how prescoius life really is and the coming excitement of seeing little baby ducks from this year's hatchings. Later that night, I saw many Raccoons wondering around the woods edge foreging for food! It was a wonderful day in nature!
2/19/06 Evergreen Campus HEAT Program Worked with the children on making garden stones. We went on a nature walk to find extra materials from the outside so children could dress up their projects. I worked on the cement, and materials for doing so. Observed the children create their stones with open eyes. I asisted with snakcs and clean-up. While the cement was drying we took the children over to the play shed for exercise. Played w/ the bouncey balls and fun was had by all.
2/26/06 Evergreen Campus HEAT Program This Sunday we worked on a Science project with insects. The children were assisted with microscopes and preserved specimens to look at and learn. They made insects out of art materials and we took a walk over to the Longhouse garden to see if we could see any interesting insects.
3/5/06 Presentation Preparation Worked at home and outbound on my final presentation. Reflected on the course of materials decided what to talk about, share, and explore for the coming quarter.
3/12/06 Evergreen Campus HEAT Program Today, in celebration of the comng Spring, we look to the Caterpilla! It is a symbol of Spring and we made them out of egg cartons, paints, fuzzy balls, pipe cleaners, and a little imagination. Snacks were provided and pictures for the children to recall the insect as to promote understanding and information.



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