Portfolio prompts

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Your portfolio should contain evidence to support your claim that you have earned credit for this program. It should be organized in some meaningful way, and it would be great if a table of contents were included to clarify the main sections of the portfolio.

You should take the time and create the space to answer the following questions and place your answers at the beginning of your portfolio.

  • The achievement I feel best about, or most proud of, in this class is...
  • The most interesting thing I learned in this class is...
  • The experience of participating in small-group discussions and workshops showed me ...
  • The experience of participating in large-group discussions and seminar showed me...
  • By working as a peer reviewer of other students' writing, I learned...
  • Through substantial research and revision of my work, I learned...
  • My ability to critically read, write about, and discuss ideas has improved in the following ways:
  • My mathematical and scientific skills have developed in the following ways:
  • My self-confidence has been altered in the following ways:
  • Some things I wanted to work on in the past and made improvements on in the course of this work are ...
  • Some things I would like to work more on in the future are...
  • I missed the following classes (dates included) and did the following things to make up for missed content:

Clearly, these prompts should make a good basis for your self-evaluation. Please include a draft of your self-evaluation in your portfolio.