Native America Online Related Links

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Useful Links

Native American Rights Fund
"Founded in 1970, the Native American Rights Fund (NARF) is the oldest and largest nonprofit law firm dedicated to asserting and defending the rights of Indian tribes, organizations and individuals nationwide.

NARF's practice is concentrated in five key areas: the preservation of tribal existence; the protection of tribal natural resources; the promotion of Native American human rights; the accountability of governments to Native Americans; and the development of Indian law and educating the public about Indian rights, laws, and issues."

National Congress of American Indians
"The NCAI was founded in 1944 in response to termination and assimilation policies that the United States forced upon the tribal governments in contradiction of their treaty rights and status as sovereigns. NCAI stressed the need for unity and cooperation among tribal governments for the protection of their treaty and sovereign rights. Since 1944, the National Congress of American Indians has been working to inform the public and Congress on the governmental rights of American Indians and Alaska Natives.

Over a half a century later, our goals remain unchanged. NCAI has grown over the years from its modest beginnings of 100 people to include 250 member tribes from throughout the United States. Now serving as the major national tribal government organization, NCAI is positioned to monitor federal policy and coordinated efforts to inform federal decisions that affect tribal government interests. Now as in the past, NCAI serves to secure for ourselves and our descendants the rights and benefits to which we are entitled; to enlighten the public toward the better understanding of the Indian people; to preserve rights under Indian treaties or agreements with the United States; and to promote the common welfare of the American Indians and Alaska Natives."

Indian Country Today
Began in 1981, owned and operated since 1998 by the Oneida Nation of New York. Publishers of a weekly newspaper, quarterly magazines, web site, podcasts, email news alerts, and RSS news feeds.

Native American Times
"Operating in both print and electronic media, Native American Times provides news coverage that is specifically tailored to the Native American perspective with the understanding of special issues, such as as sovereign rights, civil rights and government-to-government relationships with the federal government."
A Native news, information, and entertainment site from the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska and Noble Savage Media, a Native American-owned media firm.

Native Wiki
Recently started wiki page with information about indigenous peoples of the world, though mostly within the US.

Native Web
"NativeWeb is an international, nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to using telecommunications including computer technology and the Internet to disseminate information from and about indigenous nations, peoples, and organizations around the world; to foster communication between native and non-native peoples; to conduct research involving indigenous peoples' usage of technology and the Internet; and to provide resources, mentoring, and services to facilitate indigenous peoples' use of this technology." click here for a review of this site

Other Links

I would classify these sites as frequented but lacking in terms of usefulness.

Bureau of Indian Affairs
"The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) responsibility is the administration and management of 55.7 million acres of land held in trust by the United States for American Indians, Indian tribes, and Alaska Natives. There are 561 federal recognized tribal governments in the United States. Developing forestlands, leasing assets on these lands, directing agricultural programs, protecting water and land rights, developing and maintaining infrastructure and economic development are all part of the agency's responsibility. In addition, the Bureau of Indian Affairs provides education services to approximately 48,000 Indian students."

"The BIA website as well as the BIA mail servers have been made temporarily unavailable due to the Cobell Litigation. Please continue to check from time to time. We have no estimate on when authorization will be given to reactivate these sites."

American Indian Movement
A Native activist group founded in 1968. Had it's heyday in the 1970's but hasn't garnered much attention in the last decade (or more).

First Nations | Issues of Consequence
A perplexing website published by Jordan S. Dill. Contains numerous pages of often opinionated and uncredited articles and stories. Claiming over 300,000 visits per month.