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[edit] Resume

Jules on Cabo Verde in 2005.  Photo: Gina Lang.
Jules on Cabo Verde in 2005. Photo: Gina Lang.

Julianne Unsel, Ph.D.
The Evergreen State College
2700 Evergreen Parkway
Library 3411
Olympia WA 98505

Contact Jules

[edit] Education

Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, 2005
MA University of Kentucky, 1993
BA University of Kentucky 1991

[edit] Teaching At Evergreen

2007-2008 - Digitizing Movements -- social movements and social media.

2006-2007 - Common Knowledge -- digital humanities in the history of knowledge.

2005-2006 - Information Landscapes -- mapping the digital turn in libraries and the liberal arts.

2004-2005 - Still Looking -- the web's place in the Western intellectual tradition.

2003-2004 - Dissent, Injustice, and the Making of America - protest and dissent in the social history and constitutional law of the US.

2001-2002 - Politics of Sin and Punishment - US legal history and the iconic culture of the American outlaw.

[edit] Interests and Hobbies

American History and Politics
Macs and OSX
Chevy Small Block
Piano, Banjo, Guitar