Category Archives: logs

Time log week 8

Monday – BB
3 hours – hiking to white bear mine, finding peace in a place ravaged by greed and lack of forethought

2 hours – hiking up to the gulch – a high point on a ridge overlooking the valley where black bear is seated

3 hours – again lost is both appreciating and feeling frustrated with no one giving me direction, and not knowing how to find that direction within myself

Tuesday – ride from BB

.5 hour – starting a fire in the ditch oven, the only fire lit during the day

1 hour – milking goats

2 hours – saying goodbye to people, getting contact information, gathering scattered pieces

3 hours – driving back towards civilization, dropped off in Orleans, talking about cycles in relationships and the power, advantages and disadvantages of polyamory

1 hour – meeting people at a little store I the mountains, trying to find a ride

2 hours – back in the saddle

.5 hour – appreciating a rainbow with a fellow traveler

2 hours – being welcomed into a generous person’s home, experiencing a fire ceremony, talking about astrology and all the cycles that exist within that paradigm

Wednesday –

3 hours – weeding, shoveling bark, beautifying the garden

1.5 hours – reconnecting with internet

2 hours – reconnecting with my parents, helping to ground them and calm them down

2 hours – reconnecting with school work, working on time logs, poetry, sem passes

Thursday – hitching
8 hours – hitch hiking; a cycle of standing and trusting, and feeling people’s energy as they pulled over to see if I needed a ride. I got a ride from 2 construction guys, and then caught a ride to Mad River – middles of nowhere with this cool farmer dude named Quin, and chilled with him and his friends

Friday – Catching a ride to Chico

5 hours – hitching

4 hours – taking it really easy, appreciating part of the cycle of birth and death – seeing and holding a baby

Stood in the middle of nowhere for 2 hours, turned down 4 short rides, and then, miraculously, got a ride all the way from Mad River to Chico. One Ride. it was crazy awesome – this cool guy, Bill, from Kentucky picked me up  in his rental car, and we talked about farming and food and how to live life, and we saw a coyote, half a dozen deer, and a baby brown bear. Stayed with Katie and Aren and their sweet 3 week old baby :)

Saturday – chico to yuba city

5 hours – back on the bike, straight into the wind

2 hours – sleeping and dozing, exploring the line between conscious and unconscious

2 hours – refueling my body which I am so deeply grateful for, with food lovingly prepared by two lovely people – Rick and Sharon who hosted me in Yuba City

Sunday –

5 hours – ride to Davis

2.5 hours – non-violent communication workshop at the collective house called Sunwise where I’m staying this week

3 hours – connecting with the beautiful people and plants of this place

1 hours – completing the order portion of the cycle of creativity – dishes and stacking pots and beautifying the garden

2 hours – catching a bee swarm! which is an incredible part of the life cycle of a hive

68 hours

Time log – week 7

Monday – from rest stop to Arcata co-op

5 hours – cycling on my bicycle, in movement, maintaining momentum

3 hours – refueling, buying food for the next week, wandering around a huge co-op in awe… Entirely loosing momentum

5 hours – doing my first hitch hiking since March

I heard of a commune called black bear from an awesome woman at the Arcata co-op. While I was hitch hiking, some sweet people gave me a ride all the way to a great campsite… where I heard footsteps approaching at 2 in the morning… Probably a coyote

Tuesday – forks of salmon, camping in the winderness

5 hours – bicycling

3 hours – wandered on elk paths

2 hours – fighting impatience and desperation

I had been traveling for 5 days without stopping for a day, and just wanted to get to Black Bear, and my impatience kept me from getting there – I stopped too soon! And it didn’t feel safe to continue on that evening, it was so hard to keep myself from hitting the trail and getting there, but I gained a really good perspective between this day and the next about how much impatience can impede forward movement. I also learned that when I become desperate my decisions become considerably less safe.

Wednesday – Indian creek hike
5 hours on deer paths – got in touch with my deer nature, and some of my deer fear

1 hour – bicycling, getting my pride to chill

3 hours – acupuncture, talking with the locals, connecting with people on a heart level

Thursday – Black Bear

2 hours – Hiking the 5 or 6 mile hike up to this awesome, super fantastic commune!

2 hours – on a hike looking for and harvesting oyster mushrooms! We found so many, and we got to learn about a bunch of other other plants and their medicinal uses along the way :)

2 hours – wandering around in the woods, meditating and swimming at a waterfall

2 hours – hanging out in the garden, mulching

3 hours – connecting with people about this beautiful remote place nestled in a Mountain valley in Northern California

Friday – BB

1.5 hours – milking goats, the beginning of the cycle of the day

1.5 hours – run along forest service road, exploring new spaces

3 hours – cycling between action and indecision, restless movement and restless stillness

2 hours – eating food, doing dishes, a cycle of creating beauty and chaos, and then returning order

.5 hour – eating rocky road ice cream and gummy in the middle of the woods

Saturday – BB

2 hours – connecting with new friends, saying goodbye already to some

2 hours – learning to pan for gold! Gaining new skills and connecting with people in community

2.5 hours – women’s group meeting, exposing to my perceptions some of the subterranean cycles of relationships and harmony in this community

2 hours – weeding, mulching, planting melons in melon mounds

1 hour – gathering greens

Sunday – BB
2 hours – milking goats- beginning the cycle of the day

3 hours – weeding in the garden, beginning and re-beginning and cycle of life and death in this oil that supports so much life in this community

3 hours – community meeting

during this meeting I learning more about the underlying structure of this seemingly structureless place, feeling within myself the waves of intensity and ease as community members spoke, noticing patters in topics and ideas being expressed, and feeling fully the importance of completing the cycle of speaking and being fully heard before beginning the next cycle.

65 hours

Ms – Week 8 Log

May 20th

2 hours Reading Neuro (Ch. 7)

1.5 hours Reading Perloff (Ch. 7)

3 hour Writing poems, posting on eAlphabet

May 21st

2.5 hours Morning class discussion of readings, thoughts on readings

2,5 hours Writing, editing, posting reveries.

May 22nd

.5 hours Writing week 8 reverie, editing and posting

1.5 hours Student artist lecture series

1 hour Reading Poetry and the Fate of the Senses / Proust was Neuroscientist

May 23rd

1.5 hours Morning class

2 hours Guest Lecture

2 hours Transcribing notes from “Scento” experiment

3 hours reading Proust

1 hour writing poetry

1 hour editing poetry

May 24th

1 hour reading online articles / books for term paper

1 hour writing poems

1 hour journaling prose

2 hours reading Proust was a Neuroscientist

May 25th

4 hours journaling prose

1 hour editing

May 26th 

3 hours journaling prose

1 hours editing

1 hour writing poems


This week: 40 hours

Cumulative total: 120 hours

Reading List:

Poetry and the Fate of the Senses

Remembrance of things past

A dirty smell of mangoes

Proust was a Neuroscientist

My Poets


S – Week 8 Log

5/19: 4 hours of writing final project, 2 hours of library research

5/20: 2.25 hrs of class, 2 hours of reading Out of Everywhere: Linguistically Innovative Poetry by Women in North America and the UK, 2 hours of Calculated Poetics reading

5/21: 3.75 of class, 1 hour of writing poem, 2 hours of library research

5/22: 3 class, 2 hours of revising poem, 2 hours of writing final project

5/23: 2 class, 3 hours of reading Electronic Literature by Hayles, 4 hours of writing final project

5/24: 5 hours of NetLogo (my eyes…), 1 hours of writing final project

5/25: 6 hours of writing final project

Spring Week 8 Log

Spring Week 8 Log


Sunday 5/19:


-1 hour writing Neuro reverie

-1 hour editing and adding to the eAlphabet site

-1 hour reading TGAO

-1 hour editing recordings

-1/2 hour recording music


Day total: 4.5 hours


Monday 5/20:


-2 hours in class (Monday student seminar)

-1.5 hours reading TGAO

-1/2 hour revising Neuro reverie

-1 hour calculated poetics readings

-1/2 hour calculated poem

-2 hours editing recordings

-1 hour recording

-1 hour working on term paper


Day total: 9.5 hours


Tuesday 5/21:


-2.5 hours in class

-1 hour reading TGAO

-2 hours working on term paper

-1 hour editing recordings

-1/2 hour calculated poem

-2 hours recording


Day total: 9 hours


Wednesday 5/22:


-1.5 hours in class

-1.5 hours working on term paper

-1 hour reading TGAO

-1.5 hours of recording music

-1/2 hour revising Queneau response and CP poem

-1 hour editing recordings

-1/2 hour editing eAlphabet site

Day total: 7.5 hours



Thursday 5/23:


-2 hours in class (calculated poetics)

-1 hour reading TGAO

-1 hour reading Neuro

-1 hour editing recordings

-1 hour working on term paper


Day total: 6 hours


Friday 5/24:


-2 hours working on term paper

-1 hour editing recordings


Day total: 3 hours


Saturday 5/25:


-1.5 hour working on term paper

-1 hour reading Neuro

-1/2 hour writing Neuro reverie


Day total: 3 hours


Week 8 hours: 42.5 hours


Total hours: 127 hours


Ab – Week 8 Logs.

Week 8:

Monday, May 20

2 hours – Identifying and putting away type at Sherwood Press.

4 ½ hours – working on anthology in Indesign.

Tuesday, May 21

2 ½ hours – seminar on last chapters of Neuro and Perloff. Student’s sharing their work.

2 ½ hours – making detailed edits to anthology in Indesign. Started to play with cover design.

½ hours – met with Sarah about anthology, came up with frontice piece for book.

1 hour – met with Sara Martin about anthology and classes for next year.

1 hour – writing Neuro reverie.

Wednesday, May 22

6 ½ hours– working on cover and anthology in Indesign, watching tutorials on how to navigate Indesign.

½ hour – met with Ryan who showed me some tools in Photoshop.

1 hour – playing with cover image in Photoshop.

Thursday, May 23

4 ½ hours – looking over anthology, playing with cover designs in Photoshop and Indesign.

2 hours – guest speaker Eirik Steinhoff.

4 ½ hours – finalizing cover in Indesign with help from Katie.

Friday, May 24

4 hours – FINISHED THE BOOK! finalized cover, uploaded and published book to, made purchase of 50 copies!! got reimbursement receipt taken care of.

Saturday, May 25

worked all day, then rested.

Sunday, May 26

Worked all day, then rested.

Weekly Totals: 37 hours

Cumulative Totals: 289 hours

E – Week 8 Log


4 hours editing Your Journey Home

3 hours digitizing How to Survive Being Blessed

My handwriting is terrible

Total: 7 hours


4 hours writing poetry

Too sick to go to class, wrote a reverie on Perloff. Took a while to get it right because I tried to reference a fair amount of the chapter.

2 hours writing term paper

As I did last quarter, I have way, way more term paper than I need. I’m going to have to cut it down.

2 hours digitizing my story

This draft is nigh incoherent. I need to work on my handwriting.

1 hour editing my cover letter

Total: 9 hours


4 hours editing Your Journey Home.

2 hours digitizing my story

2 hours writing poetry

Not all of my poetry ends up being exactly on topic with the class, but it still fits in a lot of ways. Still often inspired by the class and reveries that I have.

Normally I’d have my meeting with Sandy but her mother was just diagnosed with cancer. She believes she’ll be able to meet with me again week ten. In the meantime, I will continue working on my publishing goal without her and check in when she becomes available.

Total: 8 hours


2 hours writing term paper

Started incorporating pieces of my bibliography. I need to get less wordy about describing the books I’m using. I like the abstract, though I’m worried it’s a little bit hokey.

3 hours edits

Seriously, editing Your Journey Home just won’t end

Total: 5 hours


4 hours reading Neuro and writing reverie

This reverie was tricky because I wanted to do the conclusion justice. I hope I did.

2 hours editing Your Journey Home

Total: 6 hours


5 hours editing Your Journey Home

And it is finally done. Passing it off to a friend to look it over.

Total: 5 hours

Weekly total: 40 hours

Cumulative total: 367.5

V – Log Week 8

I believe what helene cixous was getting at with her own exponential need to write and with expressing the dire need for all women to write, was that we need to allow space for the sensual, for the right brained, for the image driven culture to find their voice in this typically male-driven, left brained culture of writing.  You can see it in her writing, the expressive, incredibly image-filled words all strung together.  She is writing the goddess, writing the simplicity that was first inscribed on clay.  Rememberance being the point. She even states, once something is written, it is in the past, you now longer live it. Here I believe she is taping into the ideas behind cuniform, when cultures would write things down to remember, like what time of year they sowed seeds or how many cows they had.  It wasn’t necessarily to capture anything and convey it but a simple way to place mind onto matter, a place to return to, a representation of image, imprinted.   Its interesting how in remembering, in a sense we have become prone to forgetting..

Cixous beautifully conveys the tragedy of the male-driven culture that sprung from writing, in her own words she firmly states that, “Logos opens its great maw, and swallows us whole.” (Cixous, coming to writing, 46)

She asks the question, “What is the body for?”

This is fascinating to me, how can we see the part the body plays in a world where things are extracted from the body and written down on paper, removing the body from the equation?  Can we write the body into writing? Will this remove the body from writing?  Is it possible for the body to come into writing? Spoken word comes to mind, creating images and seeing words spill from the body.  But I believe the written language has boundaries, a full point, and that point of overflowing comes when we think of the body.  The body and writing can simply not survive together. Once you’ve written down the body you’ve lost the body.  I believe what needs to happen is the gratitude for the body, for without the body, there can be no writing.

May 20th



2 hours

May 21st


Neuro reverie

6 hours

May 22nd

Class (Eirick)





May 23rd



“women who runs with the wolves”

“The vegetative soul”

6 hours

May 24th

Rose harvesting/medicine and lore

“Women who run with the Wolves”

6 hours

May 26th


reading response

reading women who run with the wolves

reading neuro

7 hours

Total hours: 30.5

F ~ Week 8 Log

May 20th, Monday

2 hours reading Neuro by Nikolas Rose, conjuring a reverie.

4 hours reading Vagina: A New Biography by Naomi Wolf, reflecting upon my own body, note taking

1 hour reading Body of Wisdom: Women’s Spiritual Power and How it Serves by Hilary Hart

May 21st, Tuesday

4 hours reading The Female Pelvis Anatomy & Exercise by Blandine Calais-Germain

2 hours drawing the female reproductive organs.

May 22nd, Wednesday

2 hours working on the Holdredge paper, organizing ideas and formatting.

May 23rd, Thursday

4 hours reading Vagina: A New Biography by Naomi Wolf, reflecting upon my own body, note taking.

May 24th, Friday

4 hours reading The Naked Woman by Desmond Morris

Received the news at 2 am that my friend had passes away. The start of my body’s grieving process.

May 25th, Saturday

3 hours working on the Holdrege paper, organizing ideas and formatting.

That is all the work I can do at this time. My body feels so very weak.

May 26th, Sunday

I am feeling vulnerable and small. My body does not wish to move.

4 hours working on the Holdredge paper, organizing ideas and formatting.

2 hours reading The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty are used Against Women by Naomi Wolf.

2 hours creating poetry, only slightly moving my body, talking with and surrounding myself with those I love and reflecting upon my feelings and connection to my body.


This week: 34 hours

Cumulative total: 122.5 hours


I-week 8 log

please note that all times given are not always consecutive; four hours of continuous reading would probably kill me.

19th May: 4 hours reading through “The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake,” specific emphasis on his chronicle of “The French Revolution.” roughly 2 hours writing response revs and noting observations.

20 May: 3 hours reading Bringhurst, mostly the essay “Prosodies of Meaning”; 3 hours alternatively reading Perloff and “William Blake: the Gates of Paradise” by Michael Bedard.

21 May: 2 hour meditation. clearing mind and reflecting on the essence of Blake’s work. five hours composing the beginning elements of two epic chronicles of my own. 1 hour reading Blake’s poetry.

22 May: half-hour reading Blake poetry, half-hour meditation. continued work on French-English poem, “Je Suis Hier,” two hours.

24 May: 2 hours reading “Gates of Paradise,” 2 hours formulating notes into a concrete reflection on what Blake’s poetry has to do with me and why I or anyone else should care.

25 May: 4 hours reading McClane and Blake together. 2 hours reading first and sixth chapters of Neuro and noting references in Blake’s poetry.  Half-hour editing, typing and posting “The Immortality of the Visionary.”