Series: Media Productions

SubSeries: Audio Tape of Performances (transferred to CD)

1973—Co-Respondents live performance, taped at The Evergreen State College

1975 - The Three Marias Pt 1 - live performance, taped in Los Angeles, Ca. - Part2
1976—Three regular touring programs taped at The Evergreen State College
         Give ‘Em An InchWomen and Equality (formerly Enter Laughing) Part 1 and Part 2
         Fun and GamesWomen and Marriage Part 1 and Part 2
         Here She ComesWomen and Power Part 1 and Part 2

SubSeries: Audio Tapes for Radio (transferred to CD)

Also, several tapes of radio interviews, possibly with excerpts from their programs

Grants from the Washington Commission for the Humanities, the Seattle Arts Commission, the King County Arts Commission, and the Music and Art Foundation made possible the funding of All These Things Stayed with Me, four half-hour women’s history specials.  The Co-Respondents wrote and performed two of the half-hour programs, which were broadcast over KUOW, Seattle in March 1983. These audio tapes may be still available at Seattle Public Libraries:

WGUC Cincinnati (NPR station) - Interview

SubSeries: Video Tapes/Television Productions and Interviews (Disk 1- 4 of 5 DVDs - Shot during the years the Co-Respondents toured with their three main programs (Here She Comes, Give ‘Em an Inch, and Fun and Games)). (see Track Index)

Co-Respondents on Tour - Slide/Tape presentation

1973 Give 'em an Inch - 1/2 hour University of Idaho TV production, adaptation of the original touring production.

1977—Dare to Try, funded by Tacoma School District.  Short vignettes of women who dared to do something outstanding, each piece followed by an interview with a woman doing a related, similar thing today.  Videos were designed for use in junior high schools to encourage girls to aim for success.  Featured historical characters:

1978—Bring Her Back Alive. A Washington State Arts Commission grant funded the production of four TV programs to be drawn from Co-Respondents touring shows. Three 45-minute programs were reworked into four half-hours and broadcast on KCPQ (then a PBS station) in summer of 1978 and rerun in the fall. This mini-series Bring Her Back Alive presented:

1979—Take it To the People.  A Washington State Humanities grant funded the production of three programs dramatizing social issues from the 19th century related to women’s roles, race and ethnicity, and the environment.  Additional funding came from the Washington State Arts Commission and the Pierce County Arts Commission Each half-hour drama included an authentic strong female character involved in these issues and was followed by a half-hour discussion featuring authorities or activities on current issues mirroring the historic ones. Shows aired in 1981 and 1982 on KTPS, Tacoma and KCTS, Seattle. The program titles
below are followed by names of the featured historical characters:

Program One:  Who Would Be Free (Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass) 
Interview:   Al Page Interviews Stephanie Coontz, Women’s Activist and Historian and Tom Dixon, Urban League Executive

Program Two:  With One Spirit Law (Narcissa Whitman and Chief Joseph)
 Interview: Al Page interviews Russell Barsh, Associate Professor, University of Washington and Randy Scott, Native American working on Native American affairs in state government

Program Three:  To Dam The People’s Cathedrals  (Poet Harriet Monroe and San Francisco Mayor James Phelan)
 Interview: Al Page interviews Vim Wright, professor and zoologist, University of Wasington and Dee Boersma, Assistant Director of University of Washington's Institute for Environmental Affairs


1981—Women Way Back When in Kittitas County. The National Endowment for the Humanities funded the Ellensburg Public Library to produce this program. A TV preview viewing was held for the publicon May 16 at Ellensburg Public Library, and broadcast on KTPS, Tacoma on May 4. The airing was followed by numerous showings in other state libraries.  Focus on the history of women in Kittitas County was highlighted by vignettes from oral histories and interviews with elders who represented various sectors of the communities. 

1984-86—Everything Change. The National Endowment for the Humanities and the Washington Commission for the Humanities funded the Ellensburg Public Library to produce this program. Everything Change, featuring the life of Ida Nason, Native-American elder, is a half hour program that was aired on  KTPS, Tacoma, and KCTS, Seattle. Also, it was shown in numerous libraries around the state.

SubSeries: Professional Resume Tapes (Disc 5 of 5)

Undated: Patricia Larson’s Resume (actress):

Undated: Sandra Nisbet's Resume (actress)

SubSeries: Other Professional Productions (Disk 5 of 5)

Series: Publicity