Practice of Sustainable Agriculture: Summer
Summer 2014 quarter
Taught by
sustainable agriculture, entomology
ecology, biology, mycology
Enrollment in spring quarter of Practice of Sustainable Agriculture or equivalent experience. Interested students should contact faculty for additional information.
This is a spring, summer, fall program and is open to new students in summer. For the full program description, see Practice of Sustainable Agriculture Spring, Summer .
The weekly schedule will be similar to spring, which is Mon 1-3, Tue 8-4:30, Wed 9-1, and Thu 8-4:30.
Fields of Study
agriculture, biology, botany, ecology, environmental studies, field studies and sustainability studies
Preparatory for studies or careers in
farm and garden management; working with nonprofit organizations focusing on food, land use and agriculture; state and county extension; and state and federal regulatory agencies.
Location & Schedule
* Campus
* Off Campus Location
* Study Abroad
* Location Link (which I didn't see in the sample)
* Offered during
* Advertised Schedule
* Additional Schedule Details (ditto)
Online Learning
* Summary
* Required Fees
* Other Expenses
Internships & Research
* Internship Required
* Internship Possibilities
* Research Possibilities
Undergraduate Credit Option
Graduate Credit Option
Upper Division Credit
Next Offered Date
Location and Schedule
Campus location
Offered during: Day
Final Schedule and Room Assignment
Buy books for this program through
The Greener Store.
Online Learning
Enhanced Online Learning
Required Fees
$250 in spring, $225 in summer, and $400 in fall for overnight field trips and supplies.