
Foundations of Computing III   Syllabus, Spring 03   (8 quarter hours, upper division)
Ab Van Etten, 
fofc23@hotmail.com , vanetta@evergreen.edu
Web Site:  academic.evergreen.edu/curricular/FofC/f3/index.html
Tuesdays from 6-10, starting April 1,  ACC lab in the Library Bldg
Prerequisites: Foundations II or instructor permission

We will return to the core of computers and computer science, this time using Java.  We will focus first on reading and writing code using nested control structures, methods, and arrays. We will cover 2 dimensional arrays, arrays of classes, OOP, Files, threads, sockets, Swing classes, exception handling,  GUI development,  Big O,  dynamic memory, linked lists, data structures, search and sort algorithms, recursion, artificial intelligence,  software engineering, and code maintenance. We will end with an intro to Visual Basic.

What you will need:

Internet Access and PC:  This class will be a hybrid distance/classroom course.  You will need reliable Internet access at home for email, discussion groups, web content, and chat sessions.  You must have a PC with enough system resources to run Java and VB.   You will also need at least 4 floppy or 2 zip disks.

Self-Motivation and Responsibility: You will be doing many assignments on your own computer in your own time frame.  You will have a large amount of time freedom and will need some time management skills. You will need to monitor your email, group discussions and web content at regular intervals.  We also will meet via IM.


 To receive full credit for this course, you must complete the following:

      • 1. Maintain full attendance at every class meeting
      • 2. Complete 4 or more hours per week online
      • 3. Turn in required assignments on due date
      • 4. Demonstrate a level of competency via class quizzes and final
      • 5. Complete assigned programming tasks in working order
    • 6. Complete and demonstrate Visual Basic project
    •     *note  
        • a. Extenuating circumstances will be considered for 1 and 3, if advanced discussion occurs.
        • b. half credit will be awarded for students who complete more than 2/3 of the requirements listed above
  • Products:
  • quizzes and a Final
    VB Project
    Project Demonstration

    Lecture/Seminar Schedule:

    Date       Topic:                                                                  Assignments

    April 1

    Syllabus,  Core Computers, Java Applications,  If/While, Read code, Methods, Read code w/ Methods, Runtime Stack, Craps

    Test Prep: Read Code, Read Method, Craps Program, Online Help via WebX

    April 8

    Read Code Test,  Questions on Craps, Arrays in Java,  Write code using arrays with methods,  2 Dim arrays, Magic Square Program

    Test Prep: Write code with arrays and methods and read 2D array, Magic Square Program

    April 15

    Craps due (.java, screen dumps, comments)  Test on reading 2d array and writing method using arrays, Magic Square questions, OOP, Classes and constructors,  Arrays of Classes,  get/set methods and private  Rolodex program

    Test Prep: Arrays of Classes, Rolodex program

    April 22

    Magic Square due,  Test on Arrays of Classes, questions on Rolodex,  Files in Java,  exception handling,   Swing, GUI, Big O

    Test Prep: Big O Analysis,  Rolodex program

    April 29

    Big O test,  questions on Rolodex and GUI, threads and sockets in Java, dynamic memory,  linked lists

    Test Prep: Dynamic Memory,  Ordered Linked List program

    May 6

    Test on Dynamic Memory,  Ordered Linked List questions, Data Structures ( stacks, queues,  Trees, Search/Sort Algorithms,  Rolodex due

    Test Prep: Data Structure/Algorithm abstractions,  Infix calculator

    May 13

    Ordered Linked List due, Test on DS/Algorithms, Recursion read and write, Question on Infix, Visual Basic

    Test Prep: Read and write recursion, Visual Basic Project

    May 20

    Infix due, Test on Recursion, Visual Basic tools, Databases in VB

    Visual Basic Project

    May 27

    Visual Basic Project

    VB Project

    June 3

    Final. Demo VB Project

    Evaluation Prep

    Evaluation Week: We will meet June 10 from 6-10pm in room Lib 3223

    Contacting Me:

    • -I will be available online from 5:30-7:30 on Thursday, unless posted on the home page.
        • - I may post other times in class or on the home page
        • - If unforeseen circumstances arise and I am not able to be online at these time I will post this to the class website.  If I am not online, it may be due to Internet problems.  Check back later.  I have not experienced any problems of this nature to date. There are gremlins out there, though..
    • -I will be online at other times occasionally. I may or may not post these times on the web
    • -You can contact me anytime via Email, but use the HELP progression posted on the website
    • -I will monitor WebX, but this is primarily your tool for helping each other.  I may respond, though.
    • -If I want to communicate to the entire class, I will post a dated message to the class website.
    • -It is very important you check the class website several times each week.
  • Contacting each other:

     Follow the HELP page on the website. Use email, WebX, and IM. Form study groups.


    If you cannot attend:

     First, this will be a big problem. Make every effort to attend all of every class.  We are meeting for a reduced number of meetings, so each one is important.  Please contact me ASAP if an unavoidable circumstance arises.

     Covenant:  The requirements, policies, and operating procedures for this course are spelled out in this covenant.
           -In addition to these policies, the Student and Faculty School policies apply.

    Contacting me
    I will not generally be on campus except during scheduled class times and evaluation week. I will be available by email.  The email I will use for this class is  fofc23@hotmail.com.  My school email for advising or non-class questions is vanetta@evergreen.edu.  I will also be available via Instant Messaging most days. I will post the times I should be available on the class home page,  academic.evergreen.edu/curricular/fofc/f3/index.html  You can call me, but please get my home phone from me directly, and use it sparingly to avoid problems with my teenagers.  We can set up times for NetMeetings at your request, preferably with your study group.

    Assignments, Quizzes and Tests.

    . I will give in-class quizzes, which cannot be made up if you are not present unless prior arrangements have been made. Collected assignments will not be accepted late without prior arrangements.


    I will write an evaluation of your work each quarter. When you leave the program (normally, at the end of Spring quarter) I will write your final evaluation. This final evaluation goes into your official transcript.




    Foundations of Computing operates on the assumption that an 8 credit program at Evergreen will require 20 hours of activity per week in class preparation and attendance, and out-of-class assignments.  I will give you an idea of how this might be allocated in the To Do list for each week.  This information in an approximation only.


    Attendance on time is required at all scheduled class meetings including lectures, seminars and laboratories. Contact me ASAP before the date if some unavoidable event makes your attendance impossible.  Please be on time for class sessions.  Non-attendance may result in removal from the class.

    Students who successfully complete all class requirements on time (attendance and participation, seminar reading reports and presentation, lab assignments, and evaluations) will be granted full credit (8 credits) for each quarter of the program. Each student should attempt to earn full credit. I will award half credit for folks satisfying more than 2/3 of the requirements, but not all, and have completed a project and taken the final.

    Please note that the award of full credit does not automatically result in a positive evaluation. You earn credit by fulfilling minimum requirements and standards. The evaluation concerns the actual quality of your work; it is possible, in other words, for a student to receive both full credit and an evaluation describing some poor quality work. Because attendance is only one of several program requirements, it is also possible to attend regularly but receive no credit because of unsatisfactory or missing work. (Thanks to Jon Jacky for this wording!)


    At the end of each quarter, on the last day of class before evaluation week, you must hand in two evaluations: the student self-evaluation and the student evaluation of faculty. Evaluations written in your last quarter in this program must cover the whole time in the program. They will be included in your official transcript. Your evaluation of me becomes part of my portfolio, which is considered in hiring and promotion decisions.



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