Find longitude from time of LAN. Use the
techniques of Tuesday's workshop to find your longitude from the
time of local apparent noon.
(a) measured GMT at LAN (at your latitude
and longitude) = __________ from part (1) above
sunrise time at 0 degrees longitude
(at your latitude) = _________ (from sunrise-sunset tables
- interpolate if necessary)
sunset time at 0 degrees longitude
(at your latitude) = _________ (from sunrise-sunset tables)
(b) calculated GMT at LAN at 0o longitude
(at your latitude) = _________ (average sunrise and sunset
dT = (b) - (a) = time difference between
calculated GMT at LAN (at 0 degrees longitude) and
measured GMT at LAN (at your longitude) = ________
Convert the time difference (dT in hours:minutes:seconds)
to a space difference (in degrees : minutes of arc' :
seconds of arc"), knowing that the Earth rotates through a spatial
angle of 360 degrees in a time of 24 hours. There
are 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in a degree.
_____ hours * |15 degree /hr| = ______
_____ minutes * |1degree / 4 minutes|
= ________ degrees of arc
_____ seconds * |1' / 4 seconds| = ________ minutes
of arc
That is your longitude! _____ degrees
____ minutes _____ seconds of arc
Are you that far east or west of Greenwich?
How far off could this be in degrees, from
the uncertainties in measurements? _______
How far off could this be in nautical miles?