


reading series


The purpose of these groups is to provide you with time to focus on specific interests with like-minded peers and to give you the opportunity to work closely with a faculty member on projects. The groups have been created to generate a variety of explorations into poetics. You should consider your entrance into a group as an informal cluster contract with specific goals and expectations. Should you find it difficult to match your interests to a group, schedule a meeting with Leonard or Steven immediately.

These are not critique groups, though they may occasionally be used as such. Instead, these are seminar and project groups. Each group will have projects and tasks designed by faculty in addition to the universal project: Create a Language.

small groups          

Leonard's Groups

Translation: Philosophy & Theory

New American Poetry '45 - '60 (Anthology)

Dada, Sound-Poetry, Performance, Multimedia



Steven's Groups

Book Arts /Artists' Books

Typography - Visible Language

Writer Sollers / Event