A series of oddly shaped peaches. They resemble a Flowform.
A picture of Cynthia. She was involved in the program for the first session and most of the second session. However, she was not available to provide matierial for this web-site.
This is Cynthia's floating Flowform. A very smart and pretty idea.
The leaves in this picuture of one of our displays demonstrates what metamorphosis is.
Hirsh made this interesting fountain. The water flows smoothly over the rocks and creates a very pleasant sound.
This is our class doing a painting workshop on the day that the Gamblin Artists' Colors representative came to speak with us about "Color Space." Pictured clockwise from left to right: Chelsie, Tom, Stephan, Eli, and Mylee.
A group photo on the same day. Pictured clockwise (back to front): Cynthia, Tom, the Gamblin representative, Eli, Stephan, Mylee, Chelsie, and Kate.
At the wood firing at the Delphi Commune. Placing clay pots wrapped in paper within the fire.
The fire starting.
Now the fire is really going.
A better look at the fire.
Once the fire is hot enough and coals have been created, we smothered it with wood chips to keep it from getting too hot for the clay. Eventually we covered it in dung, completely smothering it, and left it over night to finish the firing process.
Metal expresses itself to us as water. What a liar!
One final look at the Delphi Commune gardens.