We had a guest speaker from Gamblin Artists' Colors come speak to the class about a concept called "color space." Chelsie has rendered the concept visually, here.
Chelsie chose to render the stages of the pit firing of pottery we made in class. We attended this firing during Week 4, and photographs of this field-trip can be seen here.
The very first day we were introduced to the Evergreen beach, Tai Chi and meditative breathing. We also made art journals and were guided through the first day's topics to illustrate. This is Chelsie's version of what we drew.
Chelsie's Flowform was easily the most successful of the group's, as far as undulating motion is concerned. A preliminary plan for her flowform is drawn here below a drawing of a chinese elemental wheel.
Chelsie captures the natural vortices water makes in this beautiful drawing.
Sumarian Cunieform was one of the things we explored when we were begining to say goodbye to our studies on water, and hello to our studies of earth. A drawing of the Tigress and Euphrates rivers, side by side, was the Cunieform word for water.