
MIT 2004-2006
Faculty Team
Michael Vavrus is a Member
of the Faculty at Evergreen, a former Director of the Master
in Teaching Program, and a core MIT faculty member. He is a
past president of the Association of Independent Liberal Arts
Colleges for Teacher Education and of the Washington state
chapter of American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.
Michael is the author of Transforming the Multicultural Education
of Teachers: Theory, Research, and Practice. His scholarly
interests include teacher labor, the political economy of education,
multicultural education, and globalization. |
Patty Finnegan is a Member
of the Faculty at Evergreen, teaching with the MIT program
and Evergreen for the first time this year. Patty has degrees
from Gonzaga University and Arizona State University. Her areas
of interest include human development, teaching and learning,
early literacy, and special education. |
Simona Sharoni has been a professor at Evergreen
for a number of years. She has a BA and in Counseling
and Social Sciences and an MA in Counseling and Special Education
both from Haifa University, Israel. She recieved her Ph.D.
from George Mason University in Conflict Analysis and Resolution.
Her current areas of interest include: Critical pedagogy,
diversity education, conflict resolution and peace education/studies,
feminist and queer theory, community studies and social movements.
Jacque Ensign is a Visting
Faculty Member at Evergreen for Fall quarter 2004, on sabbatical
from her position as Associate Professor in the Department
of Education, Southern Connecticut State University. Jacque
recently edited and helped author the book How Social and Emotional
Development Add Up: Getting Results in Math and Science Education. |
Scott Coleman has been the
director of the Master in Teaching Program Director since 2001.
Scott's primary academic interest is instructional design. |
Loren Petty Field Experience
Officer, Program and Assessment Specialist, Professional Certification
Coordinator. B.A., Community Services, St. Martin’s College,
Evelia Romano is a Member of
the Faculty at Evergreen, the lead faculty in bilingual and
ESL education, and a former high school literature teacher
in Argentina. Her teaching focuses on literature and issues
related to the use and power of language. She has been involved
with bilingual and ESL programs throughout the state including
the following organizations: Board of Even Start Literacy Program,
Dual Language Program at Evergreen Elementary, Mason Country
Literacy Project, Olympia School District. She also regularly
teaches Spanish to local elementary classrooms. |