Water in the Law and Environmental Sciences in Six Weeks or More


Part Seven: Entering Government Documents Land

I waited until now to go to specific governmental web sites is because until I narrowed my topic, searching the big governmental agencies resources section would have been like walking into a grocery store to decide what's for dinner.

There's too much information there if you do not know what your looking for.

To search for government documents at the school, use Summit and our catalog. To search for government documents online through our college's government documents portal.

  • Browse by Federal and State, then branch, and then department (if executive).

  • Go to the governmental authors' web sites (Dept. of Ecology, EPA, DNR, USDA), and search their records, publications, or research section.

  • From this research, I found out that the code number in Washington (the Revised Code of Washington or RCW) is Ch. 90.64 RCW. 

  • This is online

    you find what you’re looking for by going to the title number (90), and then to the section number (64).

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Step One: Finding the Focus

Step Two: Narrowing to My Topic

Step Three: Collecting Background Information

Step Four: Assessing What I Know

Step Five: Assessing What I Don't Know

Step Six: Entering Database Land

Step Seven: Entering Government Document Land

Step Eight: Wrapping it Up