Part Four: Assessing What I Know

I now have a base of things to work with:

  • I have some books of Coast Salish stories. Since these are oral cultures, stories are a primary source of communication among Indian Peoples. These will not only provide water-related folklore, but provide a more general background of Salish beliefs, so I have context.
  • I have kept up my research log, and I have kept track of LC Subjects that I can go back and look at again, in case I need them.
  • The folks at the Longhouse have given me help. If I have the name of someone to contact, I should do it as soon as possible. I don't want to inconvenience my "subject" by waiting until the last minute. The sooner I make initial contact, the more time I have if plans get complicated.
  • Do I have any projects I need to start? Do I need to do any further research regarding project materials? I really love Salish art, and I would like to incorporate it into my final project somehow.
  • Will I need anything from Media Loan, such as a video camera or other recording equipment, and will I need to take a test to check it out?
  • I have ordered all of the materials that I wanted from ILLiad and SUMMIT. Sooner is better than later, and a SUMMIT book can be checked out for a second three weeks, if no one calls it back while you have it.

    Part 3 | Part 5