Part Five: Assessing What I Don't Know

One of the first things I need to do after I begin to gather my research materials and go through them. I need to make sure that they are relevant to my subject. Sometimes they look relevant in the library, but have very little useful material once I start to get into it. Or it's too technical, or not technical enough.

  • Are holes in my research obvious after I assess my materials? Do I need to broaden or narrow my focus?
  • Do I have way too much on one aspect of a subject, but not enough of others?
  • What materials have I found in the bibliographies that I need to see if I can find at the library?
  • Is my research pulling me into a particular direction? Be open minded, as you get into the material you may find that you are drawn in a different direction than you initially planned. If this happens to you, what new material might you need to find to fill in the shifted subject?
  • Is this new direction worth changing horses in mid-stream? Where am I in terms of my original project, do I have time for it?
  • Has my original project plan dead-ended for some reason? Did I pick a subject that is too hard to get material for?
  • Do I want to go read Plan B?

    Part 4 | Part 6