Language and Law

2005-2006 Fall & Winter Quarters



Links will be placed here to court opinions that you will need to study. These have also been distributed in hard copy in class. In those instances where we do not have permission to publish cases to the web due to copyright restrictions, we will place hard copies of them outside Jose's office door. For a list of cases we are studying, refer to the Weekly Schedule.


Cases for Week VII:

Garcia v. Gloor (for Tuesday of Week VII)

Garcia v. Spun Steak (for Thursday of Week VII)


Cases for Week VI:

Westminister v. Mendez (for Tuesday of Week VI)

Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (for Tuesday of Week VI)

Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock (for Tuesday of Week VI)

Employment Division v. Smith (for Thursday of Week VI)


Cases for Week V:

Lau v. Nichols (for Tuesday of Week V)


Cases for Week IV:

Yniguez v. Mofford (aka State of Arizona & Arizonans for Official English v. Yniguez, for Week IV)


Cases for Week III:

U.S. ex rel. Negron v. New York (for Tues. of Week III)

Gonzales v. Zurbrick (for Tues. of Week III)

Hernandez v. New York (for Thurs. of Week III)


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