Language and Law

2005-2006 Fall & Winter Quarters



This is where you can access most handouts (Word files) distributed by faculty. This will be a convenient way for you to get handouts if you are ill or must miss class for some reason.

Note: In those instances where we do not have permission to publish a handout to the web, we have indicated below which faculty member has distributed it. This is for your convenience in locating a hard copy of the handout. When we are unable to upload a handout, each faculty member will place his/her handout outside his/her office door.



Evergreen Supreme Court Calendar for Oral Arguments in Week 8 (Revised 2/21/06)

Schedule for Week 9's Oral Analysis for Presenation of Self Project (Revised 2/21/06)



Garcia v. Gloor (for Tuesday of Week VII)

Garcia v. Spun Steak (for Thursday of Week VII)

Appellate Brief: How to Develop the Summary and Conclusion(s)

Sample appellate brief (No permission to upload; distributed by Jose)

Components of an Appellate Brief (previously distributed)

Preparing and Presenting the Oral Argument

Presentation of Self: Overview

Presentation of Self: Guide to Organzing Your Oral Analysis and Developing Your Written Analysis

Presentation of Self: Transcription Guide



Westminister v. Mendez (for Tuesday of Week VI)

Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (for Tuesday of Week VI)

Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock (for Tuesday of Week VI)

Employment Division v. Smith (for Thursday of Week VI)

Peter Cuch, "I Wonder What the Car Looked Like," from Children of the Dragonfly, 2001: U. of Arizona Press (No permission to upload; distributed by Susan)



Lau v. Nichols (for Tuesday of Week V)



Appellate Brief: How Develop the Argument

Yniguez v. Mofford (aka State of Arizona & Arizonans for Official English v. Yniguez, for Week IV)

Instructions for Essay #2

"Identity," Chaper 3 from Sam Schrager's book, The Trial Lawyer's Art (guest speaker Tuesday of Week IV) - No permission to upload; distributed by Susan



Appellate Brief: How to Develop the Questions Presented

Small Group Exercise: Questions Presented

U.S. ex rel. Negron v. New York (for Tues. of Week III)

Gonzales v. Zurbrick (for Tues. of Week III)

Hernandez v. New York (for Thurs. of Week III)

Directory of Courts: United States District Courts

Directory of Courts: United States Courts of Appeals




Weekly Schedule

Seminar Facilitation Instructions

Creative Project Instructions

Peer Editing Instructions

Evergreen Supreme Court: Cases Granted Writ of Certiorari

Components of an Appellate Brief

Appellate Brief: How To Develop the Statement of the Case

Basic Forms of Citation

Court Reporters

Instructions for Essay #1

Presentation of Self: A Discourse Analysis of the Evergreen Supreme Court

Ethnography of the Washington State Supreme Court




Cases for Week X: Epperson v. Arkansas and Barenblatt v. United States (No permission to upload; distributed by Jose)

Revision of 10th Week (December 5-9) Syllabus. The revisions are reflected in the Weekly Schedule.

"Plato's Gorgia and the Modern Lawyer: A Dialogue on the Ethics of Argument'" (Chap. 10 in James Boyd white, Heracles' Bow: Essays on the Rhetoric and Poetics of the Law - No permission to upload; distributed by Jose and Susan)

Preliminary Syllabus for Winter Quarter

Final Assignment for Language Workshop


Cases for Week IX: Bowers v. Hardwick, Lawrence v. Texas (No permission to upload; distributed by Jose) and Lafleur v. Cleveland Board of Education.

Cliches (No permission to upload; distributed by Jose)

Reading for Week IX: "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" by Peggy McIntosh (PDF file)

Fourth Expository Essay Instructions (Due Week IX)

Ethnography: Final Assignment


Cases for Week VIII: Miller v. California, American Booksellers Association v. Hudnut, and Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition (No permission to upload; distributed by Jose)


Ethnography Assignment #3

Third Expository Essay Topic (due Week VII)

Cases for Week VII: R.A.V. v. St. Paul, Virginia v. Black and Wisconsin v. Mitchell (No permission to upload; distributed by Jose)

Hate Speech Scenarios for Discussion (Not available for Internet uploading)


Cases for Week VI: Doe v. Univ. of Michigan and Avis v. Aguilar (No permission to upload; distributed by Jose).


Second Expository Essay Topic (due Week V)

Ethnography Assignment #2 (due Tuesday of Week VI)

Cases for Week V: Hirabayashi v. United States and Shelley v. Kraemer (No permission to upload; distributed by Jose).


Peer Review Editing Instructions (Corrected)

Cases for Week IV: San Antonio Indep. School District v. Rodriguez, Doe v. Plyler, and Martin Luther King Elementary School Children v. Ann Arbor School District (No permission to upload; distributed by Jose).

Seminar Reading for Week IV: Kochman, "Classroom Modalities"; Smitherman, "Testifyin, Sermonizin, and Signifyin"; and "Hip Hop Nation." (No permission to upload; distributed by Susan).


First Expository Essay Topic

Transcript of excerpts from Frontline interview with Supreme Court Justices Kennedy and Breyer

Briefing a Case: Definitins and Explanations

Example of How to Brief a Case

Ethnography Assignment #1

Four Supreme Court Opinions as Reading for Week III (Gertz, Hustler Magazine, Gobitis, Barnette): not available on the web; distributed by Jose

Handout on Phonetics: not available on the web; distributed by Susan



Weekly schedule of work

Explanation of writing assignments

Program covenant

Fedralist 78 and evidence of relationship between the judiciary and other branches of government and the public (for Law Workshop)


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