Fall, Winter, 2005-2006

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ASSIGNMENTS (Winter 2006)

Students must complete all of the assignments below in order to receive full credit:

  1. Preliminary Statement: DUE Friday, Jan. 13 in class. Assignment #1 doc
    Assignment I (25K Word Doc)
  2. Preliminary Bibliography. DUE Monday, January 23 in class.
  3. First 5 pp. of paper: DUE Monday, February 6 in class.
  4. Complete Research Prospectus: DUE Monday, February 13 in class.
  5. Take-home examination: DUE Friday, Feb. 17 by 5:00 PM in faculty mailboxes.
  6. First 10 pp. of paper: DUE Friday, Feb. 24 in class.
  7. Final 15-20 pp. paper: DUEWednesday, March 15 in class.
  8. Participation in a group presentation to the class during the final week.
  9. Participation in a group film review and one individual written film critique (2-3 pages) based upon that particular film. All students will select one film per quarter to preview, introduce it to the class, and lead small group discussions after the film.
  10. Quizzes in every seminar on course readings.
  11. Response notes for each seminar text.
  12. One official TESC student self-evaluation. DUE: end of winter term.
  13. One official TESC faculty evaluation. DUE: end of winter term.
  14. A comprehensive portfolio that will include all of the above items bound in a loose-leaf notebook, plus any additional material that might speak of your learning process for the quarter. DUE: Friday, March 17.



Students must complete all of the assignments below in order to receive course credit and a course evaluation. Bring TWO copies of your papers to class on the due date.

  1. Paper I: a 3-5 page expository essay. Assignment distributed 9/29.
    DUE: Monday, Oct. 10 in class.
    Paper Assignment I (23K Word Doc)
  2. A rewrite of paper I.
    DUE: Thursday, Oct. 27 in class. (Original to be returned Oct. 17.)
  3. Paper II: a 3-5 page expository essay. Assignment distributed 10/10.
    DUE: Monday, Oct. 24 in class.
    Paper Assignment II
    (21K Word Doc)
  4. A rewrite of paper II.
    DUE: Thursday, Nov. 3
    in class. (Original to be returned Oct. 27.)
  5. Paper III: a 3-5 page expository essay. Assignment distributed Oct. 24.
    DUE: Thursday, Nov. 10 in class.
    Paper Assignment III (31K Word Doc)
  6. A rewrite of paper III.
    DUE: Monday, Nov. 28
    in class. (Original to be returned Nov. 14.)
  7. Paper IV: a 5-7 page essay that analyzes several of your course readings.
    DUE: Thursday, Dec. 1 in class
  8. Bi-weekly response notes. Write three short (two sentences to one paragraph) responses to your seminar readings. Perhaps you may find a particular passage from your seminar text surprising, intriguing or disturbing, or perhaps you might simply argue that the passage most succinctly summarizes the entire piece. Whatever your rationale, type your response, indicate the page number of the particular passage that you are addressing, and be prepared to defend or elaborate upon your notes in seminar.
    DUE: end of term portfolio.
  9. Participation in a group film review and one individual written film critique (2-3 pages) based upon that particular film. All students will select one film per quarter to preview, introduce it to the class, and lead small group discussions after the film.
    Group Film Review List (20K Word Doc)
  10. Quizzes in every seminar on course readings.
  11. A final examination. Show us what you have learned, not what you haven’t. Given in class, Thursday, Dec 8.
  12. One official TESC student self-evaluation.
    DUE: end of fall term
  13. One official TESC faculty evaluation.
    DUE: end of fall term
  14. A comprehensive course portfolio that will include all of the above items bound in a loose- leaf folder, plus any additional material that might speak of your learning process for the quarter.
    DUE: Thursday, Dec. 8.
  15. Full participation in class fieldtrips.

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Last updated: February 2, 2006 © Robert Smurr. All Rights Reserved.