Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Curriculum Work

What’s in a Pumpkin?

Brief Description

The students will be asked what can you do with a pumpkin?
Students will get the seeds out from the pumpkin then clean them, dry them, and bake them. This is a hands on experience for the students.



Students will learn in groups by collaborating with their peers, They will learn about pumpkins, American traditions and fruits.


Pumpkin Cucurbita Pepo, Jack-o’-lanterns, seeds, and nutrition.


Materials Needed

Pumpkins, strainers, newspapers, oven, spoons and salt.


Lesson Plan

1. Students will have the opportunity to write or draw the answer to the question: What can you do with a pumpkin?

2. An a adult will cut the pumpkins in half.

3. Students remove the seeds from the strings and put them in a strainer to be washed.

4. Place the clean seeds in a single layer on a baking sheet. Add a bit of salt or seasoning and bake them in a 250°F oven until they are dry( 30 to 60 minutes) stirring occasionally.



Before the lesson, we will discuss what we will do. I want to have the students interested in pumpkins by sharing information about pumpkins (traditions, nutrition, Jack-o’-lantern) and asking what they can do with a pumpkins?

Lesson plan Source

My father taught me, how rust pumpkin seeds.



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