Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Project Reflections

Date Place Reflections
1-28-06 Merilee Peterson's house (We transfered bluberry bushes inthe pooring down rain. It was hard core gardening! Merilee was very welcoming and seems to be a warm person, she also is a totally killer cook! She made clam chowder, not out of an Ivars packet.
2-11-06 Merilee's house, we cleaned up braches from the wind storm, planted a few gladiola bulbs, replanted lillies, spread starts of a ground cover plant leveled ground and spread sand for her walkway. This time she made lasgna and a really good eggplant dish. It was the first time I've had eggplant, of course it was delicious!
2-25-06 Today Merilee invited us to go to her tribe's longhouse for a memorial. We were able to get a closer glimpse into the Skokomish tribe's culture, Tulalip and Lummi tribes were there as well There were 500 people there tone of food. (40 gallons of mashed potatoes) This was an experience that I never would have gone to had she not invited me. It was very spiritual, there were costumes with symbolic meanings along with painted faces, loud drumming, people wailing, and dancing for several hours in the longhouse. I feel that there were several people who went out of their way to include us into what was going on. It was a good experience.
2-26-06 I planted the last of my flowers in the pots I bought and am relieved that most fit in there. When it was really cold and icy, I grouped the plants altogether and moved them closer to the building so they'd be out of the wind. I then gently put a blanket over all of them and tucked it underneath the pots. I didnt want them to freeze and die because I spent a lot of money on them and want to enjoy them for a while. It's funny because I havent ever gone to this extent for a garden. This action paid off because now they are all doing great and are healthy as can be. My first Hyacinth is blooming and my dark blue iris bloomed. My dafodills should be out in a week.



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