Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Curriculum Work

The curriculum that I purposed to Mrs. Marquett was of an artistic nature. I observed her class and found what I believed to be a need of the children in her class and then came up with a project outline. We discussed the added need for creative thought and visual representation also the mental and emotional needs of many of her students. I purposed that we create a health journal with the students. I prepared all the materials in advance and then we constructed the books together as a class. We took a class picture and everyone put it in their books to start them. I had them use an emotions chart so Mrs. Marquett could track the state of their emotional health by having them do something in their journal on at least Mondays and Fridays. The children used the emotions chart to be able to put language to the feelings that they were having by drawing an expression of what they were feeling or by writing stories, poems, or any other medium that was important to them. Mrs. Marquett also stretched out the curriculum of her class to increase my abilities by placing me in the position of a student teacher, after she knew that was what I was going to school to become a teacher. I feel that this increased the successfulness of the project that I introduced because the children and I made more of a connection together than if I had just done my project with them.



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