Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Project Reflections

Date Place Reflections
1-15 youth group at church I taught the deacons quorum this Sunday about the repentance and the atonement of jesus christ. How there are sins of omission and commission and that jesus atoned for all of us because of our sins. How we must truley repent and turn from our sinfull way to be forgiven.
1-21 group planning at school set up group contacts
1-22 youth group at church I taught the deacons quorum this sunday about the eternal importance of families. After all god is called our heavenly father which refers to the family structure in premortal life. This extends to the importance of families during our mortal lives and into eternity.
1-29 youth group at church I taught the deacons quorum this sunday about prayer. That prayer is our form of communication with our heavenly father while were here on earth and that it will help us draw closer to him. That there are different ways to pray but they all address heavenly father, make the inquiry or statement we wish, and close in jesus's name.
2-3 pioneer school My first day in class, the teacher had me student teaching history and english. Teachers put a lot more time in than I ever thought they did.
2-5 youth group at church We went over our Duty to God book and the physical fitness requirements. The men were focused having a topic that they excited about.
2-6 pioneer school I spent a lot of time helping the kids with math. The math program is really screwy because it is all based on wasl test scores. They need a lot of help. The teacher was amazed how much an extra person helped we were done with the days activities about an hour ahead of time.
2-8 state building in Tumwater There is a heck of a lot of paper work, and regulations for foster care. Not to mention a lot of time and money, but mostly paper work.
2-11 state building in Tumwater There are a lot of reasons for foster care. We talked about the needs of the children and the family's. Unfortunately all events even ones intended to help the children can be traumatic.
2-12 state building in Tumwater We talked about abuse and neglect and how damaging they are. The instructor gave personal experiences of working with children that were incredibly disturbing. We also worked on skills to help facilitate the healing process and that anger in many cases is healthy because it is the first step of the healing process.
2-14 pioneer school I lead the class in creating a personal journal. It incorporates personal interests, sports, writing, history, art, poems, drawings, and a emotion chart. The teacher thought it was a great idea since she has several emotionally challenged kids in her class.
2-19 youth group at church We went over how to pass sacrement correctly. The young men do a better job than the adults that help. They felt good to hear that. There was also a couple of conformations todayand a couple of smiling men.
2-25 state building in Tumwater We went over legalities, especially relating to the ICW. The Indian child welfare act since there are 29 recognized tribes in Washington and 28 reservations. We also explored cultural compentcies and its importance. The difference between discipline and punishment and how to be appropriate in administering them.
2-26 state building in Tumwater

We went over difficulties, barriers, and expectations for visitations. Listened to a panel of foster children and care providers. They were exceptional speakers.

3-4 evergreen

          For our Saturday class I went to the panel on the crisis of hunger and ending hunger in Thurston County. It was disturbing to actual have to stop and think that this is not a problem that is happening somewhere else that it could be happening next door. That it should be all of our responsibilities to help each other throughout less fortunate times and not look down upon any one. We also need to know the differences between helping and enabling others. By empowering others with knowledge, inspiration, and service people can accomplish great things but it takes time and effort. By enabling people to continue on their paths by giving them money or by doing a task for them we are actually hindering their progress and usually degrading their worth. After I heard this discussion and reflected on the principles of synergy and sustainability I thought that my time and knowledge were not being put to use. So I put forth my own efforts in trying to be a part of a sustainable community instead of a consumerist. I spent the rest of my day, along with my family, preparing the ground and planting a garden. I not only did this to be a responsible member of the community I live in but I also did this to pass the knowledge and principles of sustainability on to my children so that they will always be prepared and be able to help when it is needed.



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