Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Project Presentation











































































































































Summary of Learning

Even though my experience at Evergreen is proving to be rigorous in terms of social and intellectual development, this quarter has shown me that the physical body is as much a part of inspiration and learning as the mind is, especially for younger people.  As an adult, I have definitely used my body in so many ways, but I think I have tended to see my body as more abstract or detached than it really is: this quarter has reminded me to truly live inside my body, and to incorporate my body more, not as a separate aspect of my being to be exercised or tended to only at certain times.  This is the only time that my spirit and mind are going to be encased in this form, and I am slowly remembering to take every advantage that "being able-bodied" offers me. 

I am starting to remember the connection that being active and present in my body allows me to be closer to the spirit world (much like children).   This allows me to open my heart and observe and participate more closely and genuinely.   I have developed my own natural rhythms and patterns through this awareness, and I am able to send that energy out into the world in a positive way.   Channeling my energies in this way led me to wonderful participation at the TESC Childcare Center.

I have incorporated Tai Chi into my daily yoga practice and I have learned to allow myself to really consider my body's chemistry as I dance through the Tai Chi movements.  The regularity and discipline of having a daily practice like this has also encouraged me to more regularly observe and participate in the lives of other physical bodies--I write in my nature journal after closely observing the forms of the body of the earth; I am regularly gardening, tending to the earth, and thereby tending to myself in terms of reconnecting with the earth and the plants that can make me healthier, and the earth healthier too, allowing me to more fully experience the earth for a longer period of time.

Individual plants called me out to play, and I continued to learn more about their personalities and unique gifts.  I was able to make the connection to Devil's Club that I had thinking about making for years.   The whole garden kept revealing (and altering) its personality and atmosphere as well, the interrelationship of all these plant personalities; this is much like our classroom, all of us contributing to the atmosphere of the group, each with our own skills and talents.  Just like the plants in the garden, each of us work better with certain people, and some people didn't work together at all--others who worked on the same projects worked together frequently.  But the more time we spent together, the stronger my sense of interdependence became, and the more I recognized our collective energy.   I also began to really isolate my strengths, developing a sense of independent contributions to the whole: I feel like we are living the words of Uncle when he said that we all have unique and different gifts so that we need each other.





Project Presentation Outline: Gifts of the First People

(The Garden has already been introduced to the class, so our group decided to present separately, including reflections of the garden where we think it's appropriate)

The thread connecting this quarter for me is "the physical body undetached from the other aspects of learning"

I. (4-5 minutes) Make a rainstorm (this incorporates the importance of physical body in learning, listening and creating)

II. (1.5 minutes) Briefly talk about my experiences with the Evergreen Childcare Center and tie that right into the garden

III. (3 minutes) Talk about the garden, the enormity of the project, and the joy that comes from being a small part of its life and tending. Also talk about some of the medicine I've made (and maybe pass around a few tinctures to sample)

~9 minutes

























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