Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Curriculum Work

Art, Environment, and The Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons


Lesson Plan for Chehalis Indian Head-Start Children

By: TESC Student: Elizabeth Myers and Teacher: Suzanne Coombs

Fall 2005


The objective of this lesson will be to facilitate the students’ awareness of, and engender an appreciation for, the current season (autumn) and their connection with the environment. Using the elements of story telling, hands-on activities, and creative expression the students will receive the necessary experience that will enable them to recognize the season and begin to understand their relationship with the environment, and their earth.


Read a story with the children about the purpose of autumn.


We will have a discussion about our experience with this activity; questions will be encouraged and answered.


These activities enhanced the November 2005 Lesson Plan by contributing to the Headstart children’s goals of increasing spatial awareness, listening skills, and recognition by reading and sharing a story and actively participating with the subsequent activities of: finding a leaf, gluing the leaf to paper, drawing the leaf, and then discussing their experience with these activities.

As I was teaching this lesson plan to the children I realised my own inexperiece and inadequacy. The glorious part of that was, they did not seem to mind. They enjoyed the singing, story reading, and the art activity, without reserve. These children are naturally curious and appeared to enjoy this activity as long as they were guided with love and patience and we were there to watch and help when needed.


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