Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons


What is a pirates favorite place to grow vegetables?

Scroll down to see pictures of garden sight.


I. This the property of my landlord Judy Morgan who has owned it for 30 years and a wide variety of guests and tenants. She told me that before her one of the local teachers at Garfield elementary lived here. That elementary .. the house I live in was build in the late 20's... it is a farm house in suburbia.

II. I like the wild spot in front of the garden...just growing a mist the grass. I want to encourage it for its diversity. Its got daffodils grown next to the blackberry, rose next to tall grasses, the shell of some lily species last year, dandelion and yellow dock. I just like it, the shape of it all together.

III. Site

i. I propose making two different circles of plants that lead from the flower bed to the wild patch. The circle of plants are places where one could sit in or jump into to get to the wild patch. Making it a game.

ii. There will be two circles, which I will plant and the wild patch is a nebulous oval.

iii. The ground is flat except for the wild patch, which slants toward the road.

v. This garden spot has the most sun out of all of the garden last time I calculated it was from 8-5 that’s nine hours of direct sun..:)

vi. The soil is dark, with a little bit of a clay consistency in the wild patch. It seems to make things grow well.

vii. I see a lot of cats and raccoons prowl the yard... one night I was laying out in the front yard and something that was neither a cat nor a raccoon... it looked like a guinea pig. I wish I had followed it.. for now I just wonder. There are also dogs, squirrels and spiders..

viii. In the wild patch there is abundant grass and blackberry, moderate rose spp, a little lily, dandelion, yellow dock, and daffodil. In the rest of the area there is a lot of grass, two camellia bushes, two yew spp. bushes, a few hazelnut trees and sprouts and a holly tree.

xi. I like working in this spot. It is sunny and it is social. I like to know my neighbors, whenever I move to a new place I tend to set about getting to know my neighbors right away. I move into this house in September... I met Denis, a really nice man who lives across the alleyway and lent me his hedge sheers when he saw i was using scissors. But since then I have very few encounters with my neighbors ... I guess that is part of the nature of winter, people stay indoors. but just in observing the garden area I have been delighted in getting to know a few of my neighbors more. Some of the kids from two doors down came out and did some side walk chalk with me. We chased each other long shadows from the late afternoon sun. It was so much fun and it made me glad that I chose this spot for a garden.