Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

We made Recycled musical instruments:

You'll Need: Old, small containers with a secure lid (We used empty prescription & supplement bottles and the eggs from 25cent machines); Tissue paper or other cool used paper torn into small pieces (We used old art projects); Rice, Beans or Buttons; White Glue or Mod-Podge; a paintbrush for the glue


1. Partially fill each container with rice, beans, buttons(or whatever else you want) Secure lid

2. Put a thin layer of glue around container

3. Add small pieces of paper until all of the container is covered

4. Cover paper with another layer of glue, then paper (You can repeat this step until your passion for glue is satisfied)

5. Let it dry

6. MAKE MUSIC!!!!!

This Project would work really well with larger containers too (like oatmeal containers)


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