Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Plant Study

Heather Penny


Family Name: Turneraceae
Latin Name: Turnera diffusa var. aphrodisiaca

Common Name: Damiana
Body System Affiliations:

  1. Reproductive System
  2. Nervous System
  3. Digestive System

Botanical Description:
            Habit: Aromatic shrubby perennial
            Size: To 60cm.
            Arrangement: Alternate, obovate, simple, petiolate
            Leaves: To 2.5cm long; upper side smooth and pale green, underneath glabrous with a few hairs on ribs
            Flowers: Small yellow flowers appear early to late summer, growing in axils of the upper leaves
            Habitat:  Grows in dry, sandy or rocky soils; needs lots of sun.
            Range: Texas, Southern California, Mexico, South America and the West Indies
            Native Where:  Mexico, South America and the West Indies
Western Uses/ Relationships:
            Part Used:  Dried leaves and stems (1: 156).
            Medicinal Actions:  Nerve tonic, anti-depressant, urinary antiseptic, laxative   (1:156).
            Indications: Anxiety, depression, nervous tension, constipation, dyspepsia  (2:2).
            Body System Associations: 

  1. Reproductive System
  2. Nervous System
  3. Digestive System         

Constituents: Essential oil that includes pinene, cineol, cymol, arbutin, cymene, cadinene and copaenen; alkaloids, bitter, flavanoid, cyanogenic glycoside, tannins, resin (1: 156).
Applications:  Infusion, tincture (1: 156).
Pharmacy:  Infusion: 1 tsp. dried leaves to 1c. boiling water- can be drunk up to 3x a day                 (1:156).
                     Tincture: Take 1-2ML 3x a day (1: 156).
Cautions:  Damiana is contraindicated in cases of urinary tract diseases or liver disease                                (3:3), as well as irritable bowel syndrome and overactive nervous system                               (2:2).        
References Cited:

  1. Hoffman, David.  The Complete Illustrated Holistic Herbal.  Shaftesbury, Dorset: Element Books Limited, 1996.
  2. Author unknown.  Online at Visited 2-6-2006.
  3. Author unknown. Flora Health Herb Encyclopedia. Online at http://www.flora/home/usa/healthinformation/encyclopedia.  Visited 2-6-2006.




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