Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

A quick tour of the Geoduck classroom at the evergreen pre-school












A wide assortment of of rythmical music tools.












The can't miss combo of blocks and frogs.












Tables where the students set the table well before meal time. Directly afterwards they clean up. It is great to see such young students interacting with each other during meal time. One small happy family.











Fun and rcycled, many of the art supplies are recycled and come from the school.Everything from old eval forms to event posters wind up here for use in the artistic endeavors of the young pupils. Behind lurk each students personal sleeping mats. The mention of the word nap sparks fear in a lot of youngins so the teatchers use the soft sell approach.












There are many inspiring posters on the wall for the benafit of the students as well as the teatcher.


This poster hase been a helpfull

tool in making my speach more

condusive to the learning of

my daughter as well as the pre-

school students. l








The main points from Tom Drummonds work Enterpise Talk.

















I was happy to see this poster hung by the front door.













































































































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