Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Curriculum Work

For my curriculum work this quarter, I observed and assisted in a kindergarten classroom at LP Brown Elementary. I currently work as a paraeducator in a program for elementary level children with autism at LP Brown, so observing there was a great option for me. I chose to work in Maribeth Simmons' room because I interact with her regarding children in my classroom and really enjoy her personality, teaching style, and the importance she places on diversity and multi-cultural activities in her classroom.

I learned a lot from being in her room. I work with children that need very focused and deliberate instructions and guidelines in order to succeed and enjoy what they are doing. I found that the children I worked with in Maribeth's room were very independent and able to work at many different activities on different levels. It was an interesting change for me.

I decided to do my lesson in Maribeth's room on leaves, with a focus on the interdependence between leaves and people/animals to live and breathe. You can see a copy of my lesson plan, Plants and People Need Each Other! Also, you can view pictures of the activity. Here is a copy of a permission slip to parents to use these photos.

My experience in Maribeth Simmons' kindergarten classroom was the most important part of my work in this program. Want to see a copy of my reflections or self-evaluation?

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