Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Curriculum Work

*First Lesson*


  1. draw anatomically correct flower
  2. cut out different types of flowers (lots of petals, pink ones, yellow ones...)
  3. bookmark good pictures in books
  4. look for atrs and crafts materials
  5. buy flowers


  1. name parts of flowers
  2. name functions
  3. ask questions while doing so
  4. show different types of flowers
  5. talk about the importance of flowers


  1. use construction paper, tissue paper, and markers to create anatomically correct flower
  2. decribe what to start with and the process of making a flower
  3. hand out flowers to see firsthand


*Second Lesson*


  1. buy different vegetables


  1. go over flower parts and functions again
  2. ask these as questions...
  3. go over new flower parts (buds, fruits, taproots, fibrous roots, cotyledons)


  1. pull out a vegetable
  2. ask what part of the plant it is...
  3. do this again and again
  4. after they are all done, eat!!!
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