This page will be changed frequently. Check back often.
Week | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
FIRST MEETING: Noon, Tuesday, September 26, Sem2, E4115.
Week 1 (Sept 25)
THURSDAY: Writing workshop
(mandatory attendance), 10 AM - 12 noon, Lib 0406.
LectioProgram Business |
YogaArrive on time & wear comfortable clothes. |
Tuesday All-Program MeetingExcerpt from "The Corporation" (in-class)
SeminarReality & "Art" and "Peter Kingsley and the Discomfort of Wisdom" (download from here) |
LectioDUE: Mind Map |
YogaFarhi, pp. 22-35; Boccio, pp. 1-7 & 8-10. |
Tuesday All-Program MeetingBamford, "Thinking as Prayer: The Way of Lectio Divina, Divine Reading," Parabola Fall, 2006 (handout or online) Bill & Sarah on pedagogy. Please read Peter Kingsley's "Knowing beyond knowing: The Heart of the Heremetic Tradition" "Voices" from Sarah's lecture.
SeminarBuber, Bamford, Reality & "Art" |
Lectio:DUE: Mind Map |
YogaMiller, pp. 1-29. |
Tuesday All-Program Meeting
SeminarIllich, Vineyard & “Ascesis” |
LectioDUE: Mind Map |
YogaFarhi, pp. 35-41; Boccio, pp. 13-23. |
Tuesday All-Program MeetingBill on Foucault |
SeminarFoucault, Technologies of the Self, introduction, 1, 2, 6, and one other chapter of your choice. |
Week 5 (Oct 23)
Portfolio review during Monday seminar.
DUE: Mid-quarter self evaluation (see handout), with portfolio.
LectioDUE: Mind Map |
YogaFarhi, pp. 42-47; Boccio, pp. 25-31. Bring BODY MAPS |
Tuesday All-Program MeetingIndividual Project Presentations |
SeminarIndividual Project presentations |
LectioDUE: Mind Map |
YogaFarhi, pp. 47-49; Boccio, pp. 33-49. Bring JOURNALS |
Tuesday All-Program MeetingContinuing Student Presentations Bill
SeminarDUE: Independent Contract Form |
LectioDUE: Mind Map |
YogaFarhi, pp. 49-52; Boccio, pp. 57-65. Bring BODY MAPS |
Tuesday All-Program MeetingLizzy & Sarah
SeminarIrigaray, Love, selections; Illich; hooks |
Week 8 (Nov 13)
DUE: Final self evaluation available for peer review.
LectioDUE: Mind Map |
YogaFarhi, pp. 52-77. Bring JOURNALS |
Tuesday All-Program Meeting
SeminarJohn Welwood, "Absolute love," Tikkun 21 (1): 18-19, Jan/Feb, 2006 (full text available through EBSCOHOST through TESC library), Frankfurt, Irigaray |
Week 9 (Nov 27)
DUE: Final self evaluation to faculty: (1) hard copy along with colleague reviews and (2) email as attachment.
LectioDUE: Mind Map |
YogaMiller, pp. 31-71. Bring BODY MAPS |
Tuesday All-Program MeetingMartha Nussbaum, "Tagore, Dewey, and the Imminent Demise of Liberal Education"
SeminarMartha Nussbaum, “Compassion and Terror,” Daedalus 132 (1): pp. 10-26, Winter, 2003 (available through ProQuest online through TESC library) |
Week 10 (Dec 4)
Faculty will return comments on self evaluations by Monday.
DUE: Final self evaluation, revised in response to faculty comments. Due Thursday at noon or at your evaluation conference, whichever is earlier.
MONDAY, 11 AM - 1 PM: Poster Sessions, Sem 2, C2107 and C2109
12 noon - 2 PM PORTFOLIO REVIEWDon't forget Don Johnson, "Sitting, Writing, Listening, Speaking, Yearning: Reflections on Scholar-Shaping Techniques."
Sem 2 C3107 & C3109 2 PM - 3 PM PROGRAM WRAP-UPSem 2 E4115 (Please note change from previous posting)
YogaFarhi, pp. 77-80; Boccio, pp. 67-75. Bring JOURNALS Potluck [CANCELLED] |