This page will be changed frequently. Check back often.
Winter Weeks | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
FIRST WINTER MEETING: Noon, Tuesday, January 16, Sem2, E4115.
Week 1 (Jan 8)
No class on campus for this week. This week is used as an intensive
reading period and for pilgrimage. Students should read the Iyer book and complete the assignment, which is due on Wednesday of next week (see below, week 2).
LectioIyer, Sun after Dark (facilitators will make selections for lectio, which begins at noon; students should have read the whole book) DUE: Mind Map completed after lectio in class. Bring colored pencils/pens/markers if you have them. |
YogaArrive on time & wear comfortable clothes. For all readings, see yoga handout. |
Tuesday All-Program MeetingProgram Business Portfolio checklist distributed. |
SeminarThe program syllabus DUE: Writing assignment
on Pico Iyer |
Lectio:Martin Buber, The Way of Man (final story) and Meetings ("My Mother," "The Horse," & "A Conversion"), with a focus on material that clarifies the meaning of "meeting." DUE: Mind Map |
YogaBoccio, pp. 77-82 and 93-131. BRING EVERY WEEK: Body Maps |
Tuesday All-Program MeetingSarah: readings in conversation with assignments. Bill: science & awareness |
SeminarMcCarty, et al., The Coherent Heart (download here) (You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader, freely available on the web, to open this file after downloading it.) DUE: Answers to the Five Questions |
LectioKingsley, Reality, Part II, pp. 309-559.
YogaBoccio, pp. 137-144 and Yoga Sequence Two, pp. 145-185. |
Tuesday All-Program MeetingSarah & Bill: Love & Strife |
SeminarKingsley, Reality, Part II, pp. 309-559. |
Miller, Yoga Nidra Klein, Living Truth DUE: Response essay #1 (due Monday at the retreat; make sure you read assignment requirements on the mind maps page or on the covenant.) |
Poems from retreat |
Week 6 (Feb 12)
PORTFOLIO REVIEW: Peer groups review portfolios. Fill out portfolio review forms and submit them to each student's faculty. Form will include a chance to note colleagues who might be at risk of receiving less than full credit.
DUE: Mid-quarter self evaluation (see handout), with portfolio (download portfolio checklist here).
Lectio12:00 Mind Map Viewing |
YogaBoccio, pp. 57-65 and 145-185. |
Tuesday All-Program MeetingStudent Presentations |
SeminarSeminar based lectio on |
12:00 Mind Map viewing (maps done before class) |
YogaBoccio, pp. 187-199 and Yoga Sequence Three, pp. 200-249. |
Tuesday All-Program MeetingStudent Presentations Carly Bretl, wet-on-wet painting workshop |
SeminarDUE:Independent Contract Form (that link takes you to Academic Advising's page where you can download the form; scroll about halfway down the page). DO NOT submit this form to anyone other than your seminar leader; we are using it only for internal program purposes. |
Week 8 (Feb 26)
DUE: Final self evaluation available for peer review.
LectioMcCarthy, The Road |
YogaBoccio, pp. 67-75 and 200-249. DUE (8:45 AM): Response Essay #2 |
Tuesday All-Program MeetingGuest: Sara Huntington |
SeminarMcCarthy, The Road, selections from Illich & Foucault |
Week 9 (Mar 5)
DUE: Final self evaluation to faculty: (1) hard copy along with colleague reviews and (2) email as attachment (make sure the attachment is compatible with MS-Word, i.e., that the file has a .doc suffix).
LectioIrigaray, The Way of Love ("Being with the other, pp. 55-95) and Empire of the Senses (chapters 21 & 22, pp. 369-96, plus Sensory Bibliography, again, pp. 399-406) |
YogaBoccio, pp. 251-262 and Yoga Sequence Four, pp. 263-307.
Tuesday All-Program Meeting
SeminarDUE: Peer-reviewed, carefully edited self evaluation (see handout and the faculty evaluation template for winter-only students or the template for students continuing from fall). |
Week 10 (Mar 12)
Faculty will return comments on self evaluations by Monday.
DUE: Final self evaluation, revised in response to faculty comments. Due Thursday at noon or at your evaluation conference, whichever is earlier.
MONDAY, 11 AM - 1 PM: Poster Sessions
YogaBoccio, pp. 251-262 and Yoga Sequence Four, pp. 263-307. |