Common Knowledge
Information Technologies and Human Understanding
Classroom Schedule
Tuesdays, 10-12 - reading seminar, Library Classroom
Tuesdays, 1-3 - computer class, MCC (Mac classroom in the Computing Center)
Fridays, 10-12 - computer lab, MCC
Fridays, 1-3 - library and web research methods, GCC
TBA, 10 hrs per week- library work exchange
Required Readings
Wk 1 - James F. Holly and Jorge Borges, selected articles.
Wk 2 - Daniel Downes, Interactive Realism: Digital Poetics of Cyberspace (2005).
Wk 3 - Loss Pequeno Glazier, Digital Poetics: The Making of e-Poetries (2002).
Wk 4 - Rachel Greene, Internet Art (2004).
Wk 5 - Anne Carson, Autobiography of Red (1998).
Wk 6 - George P. Landow, Hypertext 3.0: Critical Theory and New Media in an Era of Globalization (2006), chap. 1-4.
Wk 7 - George P. Landow, Hypertext 3.0, chap. 5-8.
Wk 8 - Donna Haraway, "A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century ," in Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature (New York; Routledge, 1991), pp.149-181.
Wk 9 - Student projects.
Wk 10 - Alan Moore and David Lloyd, V for Vendetta (2006, 1995).
Assignment Catalog
Original Poetry – Students will publish two original poems, one text and one visual, each week on an individual website using css and html techniques. Content, links, navigation, look and feel will be consistent with a main theme from the field of digital poetics.
Library Work Exchange – Students will work individually and in teams in various public service areas and research projects for the library. Online documentation will be made and maintained in a work exchange wiki.
Seminar Reading – Students will read a book and produce a response paper of 1-2 pages each week. The short, but serious paper assignment should review book content and arguments, focus thoughts for discussion, and practice analog writing skills. Papers will be due in seminar, in print, each week and also be posted on a program blog.
Online Reading – Students will review and comment in the program blog on postings for the program and in the news at least once a week.
Presentations – Students will formally present their progress on assignments in class in weeks 5 and 10.
Week 1, Sept 25-29 : Common Knowledge
Tues 10-12, LC / Introductions and planning.
READING: James F. Holly, “Library Position Paper #1,” unpublished paper, The Evergreen State College, 9 October 1969; Borjes, Jorge, "The Library of Babel,"
Tues 1-3, MCC / Academic computing orientation.
Fri 10-12, MCC / Computer lab.
Fri 1-3, GCC / Library and web research methods.
Week 2, Oct 2-6 : The Metalanguage of the Web
Tues 10-12, LC / Seminar.
READING: Downes, Interactive Realism (2005).
Tues 1-3, MCC / Computer class.
Fri 10-12, MCC / Computer lab.
Fri 1-3, GCC / Library and web research methods.
Week 3, Oct 9-13: <e-Poetry> IN </ Motion>
Tues 10-12, LC / Seminar.READING: Glazier, Digital Poetics (2002).
Tues 1-3, MCC / Computer class.
Fri 10-12, MCC / Computer lab.
Fri 1-3, GCC / Library and web research methods.
Week 4, Oct 16-20 : Visual Literacy
Tues 10-12, LC / Seminar.READING: Greene, Internet Art (2004).
Tues 1-3, MCC / Computer class.
Fri 10-12, MCC / Computer lab.
Fri 1-3, GCC / Library and web research methods.
Week 5, Oct 23-27 : A Novel in Verse
Tues 10-12, LC / Seminar.READING: Carson, Autobiography of Red (1998) .
Tues 1-3, MCC / Computer class.
Fri 10-12, MCC / Computer lab.
Fri 1-3, GCC / Library and web research methods.
Week 6, Oct 30-Nov 3 : Text and Author
Tues 10-12, LC / Seminar.READING: Landow, Hypertext 3.0 (2006), chapters 1-4
Tues 1-3, MCC / Computer class.
Fri 10-12, MCC / Computer lab.
Fri 1-3, GCC / Library and web research methods.
Week 7, Nov 6-10 : Narrative and Education
Tues 10-12, LC / Seminar.READING: Landow, Hypertext 3.0 (2006), chapters 5-8.
Tues 1-3, MCC / Computer class.
Fri 10-12, MCC / Computer lab.
Fri 1-3, GCC / Library and web research methods.
Week 8, Nov 13-17 : The Nature of Machines
Tues 10-12, LC / Seminar.READING: Haraway, "Cyborg Manifesto," (1991, 1982).
Tues 1-3, MCC / Computer class.
Fri 10-12, MCC / Computer lab.
Fri 1-3, GCC / Library and web research methods.
Week 9, Nov 27-Dec 1 : Word, Image, and Action.
Tues 10-12, LC / Mini-conference.READING: Students projects.
Tues 1-3, MCC / Computer class.
Fri 10-12, MCC / Computer lab.
Fri 1-3, GCC / Library and web research methods.
Week 10, Dec 4-8: A Novel In Graphs.
Tues 10-12, LC / SeminarREADING: Moore and Lloyd, V for Vendetta (2006, 1995).
Tues 1-3, MCC / Computer class.
Fri 10-12, LC / Book fair.
Fri 1-3, TBA / Potluck and film. V for Vendetta (d. James McTeigue, 2005).
Evals Week, Dec 11-15.
Last Modified: April 03 2007.