Common Knowledge
Information Technologies and Human Understanding
Student Pages
Digital Humanities Wiki - view or logon.
This is our challenging winter project. We're using the wikimedia application to craft a hypertext, collaborative introduction to the new field of digital humanities.
Grog - view or logon.
Grog is the name of the program blog. Grog is a single place for program members to post and remark on news, current events, and reading response papers. Individual blogs are aggregated at this site.| Mandy | Amy G | Amy S | Ann | Claire | Cynthia | Devon | Ilana | Janet | Jules | Kerry | Lauren | Rachel | Sara | Sarah | Tracy | Wendy |
E Poetry and Imaging Websites
Students will publish two original poems, one text and one visual, on individual websites using css and html techniques. Content, links, navigation, look and feel will be consistent with a main theme from the field of digital poetics. First posts due in Week 4.| Mandy | Amy G | Amy S | Ann | Claire | Cynthia | Devon | Ilana | Janet | Jules | Kerry | Lauren | Rachel | Sara | Sarah | Tracy | Wendy |
Library Work Exchange Wiki - view or logon.
Students will work individually and in teams in various public service areas and research projects for the library. Online documentation will be made and maintained in a work exchange wiki.
Banner images from Metropolis, c. 1927 Transit Films/ F.W. Murnau Foundation; c. 2002 Kino International.
Last Modified: April 03 2007.