Friday, 6 July, 6-10 pm: Sem2 D2109

Saturday, 7 July

Saturday, 21 July

Saturday, 21 July

9-10:30, CRC 116-117 (enter through 117): Yoga Asana, Yoga Nidra and Body Mapping. Required readings: Yoga Nidra (Miller), chapters 1-3; “Meaning and the History of the Body,” (Levin in CH, p. 93+).

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45-12:30, Sem2, D2109: Healing Stories/Stories of Healing. Required readings: Kitchen Table Wisdom (Remen: forward, introduction, “Silence (p. 23+),” “Making…(p. 151+),” “No Statute…(p. 154+),” “Embracing…(p. 207+);” The Exquisite Risk (Nepo selections beginning on pages 27, 87, 95, 127, 146, 215, 237, 259, and 276).

12:30-1:30 Lunch: Continuing your Story

1:30-2:30, Sem2, D2109: Story Sharing

2:30-3:45, CRC: Breathwork Practice with optional reading Breathing (Sky) or Yoga Nidra Practice for those interested in exploring it in more depth or for those planning to participate in the Mount Royal training.

3:45-4 Break

4-5, Sem2, D2109: Reflection, Assessment and Evaluation: Worksheet completion, course evaluation, and self-evaluation with peer discussions.