Equity in Education Legal Database v0.1

Related Laws and Acts

Equal Protection Clause

Title IX


Force v. Pierce City R-VI School District (1983)


A girl wishing to try out for a junior high football team challenged that the school's all-male try-out policy. Since all males of any ability, size, or strength could try out, the Supreme Court rejected the school's argument that safety was a legitimate reason for an exclusion to try out, as a tryout did not ensure a place on the team, simply the opportunity to make the attempt to qualify.


Applications and Implications:

  • When a corresponding girls' team is not available, and safety is not a legitimate concern, Title IX and the Equal Protection Clause require a school to provide equal treatment.


Imber, Michael and Tyll van Geel (2004). Education Law (3rd ed.). Mahwah, MJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, p. 241.
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