Callie Travis

Student Work

Callie Week 8

Submitted by tracal27 on Thu, 06/07/2007 - 10:24am.

So I just realized that I never got my blogs actually posted for two weeks.  OOps.  So they will be out of order.

I spent quite a bit of lab time logging pieces for the multiview project.  It really boils down, though, to the fact that I feel disheartened about this project.  I have so many other things going on that I am more interested in- It makes the time I spend on this feel wasted.  I got about 2 min logged from each of the tapes that matches up timewise.  But it will take untold hours to get them all adjusted concerning registration and matched up exactly by frame.  I just don't think I can do it in the time available.
With that said, I am going to move my focus to another project that has been niggling at me for awhile.
My geocaching aniation, AniCache.  I am unable to fix the reflection issue.  I tried, but after many hours it just looked worse.  So I will focus on the soundtrack.  I know it needs some work and I would like to have this ready to publish by the end of the quarter.  I have already had Groundspeak kind of hanging for a few weeks.  OOps.

Callie Week 9

Submitted by tracal27 on Thu, 06/07/2007 - 10:14am.

I spent some time in the lab this week getting ready to make a new soundtrack for Anicache.  I listened to tons of sound CD's from the library and gathered other sounds to supplement.  My plan is to go in and remove the music that is tied to such a famous movie already.  Hopefully I can come up with something that will create the same speed without the connotation.

I also am working on painting example cards for Mirror Mirror to help speed up the process.  If each child already knows what they want because they can look at examples as they wait, I don't spend five minutes helping them decide.  
Last weekend at the market, I had about ten kids all standing around me elbowing for position to better see me work.  It was fun.  
I have purchased many things for the business, but the Saturday Market gigs have kept me at about halfway to being "in the black" as they say.  My festival in two weeks should put me right over the top.  And then Super Saturday and the Street Fair right in same weekend!  AAAHHH!!! Happy dance...

Callie Week 10

Submitted by tracal27 on Thu, 06/07/2007 - 10:04am.

OMG!  I just realized that I'm graduating next week!!  I've been saying it for awhile.  you know, three weeks, then two weeks...etc....

But it just hit me that it's actually NEXT WEEK!  I've been so busy it hadn't even caught up.  Crazy.
Congratulations to us, every one...
On Monday I had more time in the lab and really got working on the new soundtrack for Anicache.  Thank you all for positive input along the way.  I had hopes of getting just a few more adjustments made on the piece, but I don't think it's going to happen that way.  I have a bit of lab time this afternoon, but I think I will foces on getting a still image with blurb to Morgan and basic housecleaning before the quarter ends.
Update on Drama- Sorry I missed the party- I'm sure all had fun...
I have my first really big festival painting this weekend.  Planning is my game- I am all set with some new paints, signs, example cards, business cards, etc.  Getting excited!!The festival has 3 sets of fireworks, live music, logging show with tricks, magic, belly dancers, classic car and bike show with Poker Run, rides, games etc.  The festival coordinator is looking at 15-20,000 people.  I had a sign to get painted and other things, I needed to pack for camping near the festival site and whatnot...So that I could go see Grampa in the hospital this afternoon.  
Tuesday he had what is supposed to be the last of four consecutive heart surgeries this quarter.  They removed an 85% blockage.  The change in blood flow from 15% to 100% caused adema in the brain and paralized the entire left side.  After a seizure yesterday he died- But he's Back!  And feeling cantankerous.  The doctors are actually hoping for almost full recovery.  As swelling goes down the feeling should come back...

Callie Week 7

Submitted by tracal27 on Thu, 05/17/2007 - 2:29pm.

Thank you for the encouragement concerning my animation!

I actually took some time off of work to get into the MML yesterday.  I feel I made good progress- approx. two minutes logged from each of 17 tapes and then a few other pieces.  I was able to schedule more time for next Monday and then I will play with matching them all on a timeline, the registration, etc.  I am sososososooooo far behind with all that's been going on this quarter.  But I am trying to stay positive about the project.
I finalized the preparations for working at Super Saturday this morning.  I had to register as a vendor and blahblahblah.  So that is positive.
The feedback on doing business cards and stuff on Tuesday was really helpful.  I am looking into die-cut mirrors and will probably end up with several different card layouts that I use for different purposes.  Same with the resume.  On the subject of resumes- I updated my resume a bit based on some of the feedback from the FSW and will post each version as an image?  I haven't done that yet, but I'll see what I can figure out if anyone wants to check it out, give more feedback, whatever.  Also- I am working on a seperate version that will highlight customer service and Mirror Mirror, plus a franchise I had a few years ago.

Callie: week 6

Submitted by tracal27 on Mon, 05/07/2007 - 3:26pm.

Another sick twist in the Travis Family saga...

We are still reeling from the passing of two family members just two weeks ago.  With that said, my Grandmother had a stroke today and is in the ER awaiting her transfer to a room.  At 5:30 tomorrow morning, my Grandfather goes in to the same hospital for heart surgery.  Needless to say, I will not be able to make class tomorrow.  Any good ju-ju you might have to send our way would be well received and appreciated.
I need to cacncel my WIP showing and hopefully reschedule for week 7.
On a lighter note...  I have become excited about a small business idea.  One of my hobbies is painting faces.  Yes, you know, kids at the fair, body art, all that.  I had an epiphany in the shower the other day(isn't that where all good ideas come from?), and I have registered the Trade name Mirror Mirror as a WA small business.  I will be applying for placement at local fairs and gatherings, offering my services for church picnics, birthday parties, caching events, etc.  I am very excited.  Several years ago, while living in the south, I ran a small franchise with Sno-biz Hawaiian shave ice.  This new venture is similar in that it is very low-overhead, contract basis, and requires only my own effort and creativity to be reasonably successful as part time income.  Yay! for fun painting opportunities!!

Callie: Week 5

Submitted by tracal27 on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 2:58pm.
Week 5:
The services went well, but it meant that I did not work or come to school after Tuesday.  I kind of panicked this morning thinking it was week 6 and I was set to present at WIP tomorrow.  But it is week 5 and that gives me a few days to get something ready.
I talked to my mother this weekend.  Our extended family (we stick together) is considering a long awaited move to Denver over the summer.  This changes my goals somewhat, but gives a new area to look for potential employment. 
I will spend some time on Mon and more on Fri working on my project.  The hours of the MMl limit me somewhat, as I have to get Ellie at 5, but I should be able to get something interesting ready for WIP next week.

Callie: Week 4

Submitted by tracal27 on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 2:56pm.
Week 4
Project is moving slowly.  Senioritis Attacks!!  But still moving.
I am also working on "fixing" a few problems in my caching animation.  I emailed backand forth with a member of Groundspeak, the company that runs the most prevalent caching website, and they are interested in posting my animation as a fun feature on their site.  Perhaps as an intro to caching in general.  I am trying now to get it ready for posting.
Someone very close to me died Thursday.  I am having a really difficult time staying motivated for any activity, least of all school and work.
Will update again ....later.
I am not prepared to consider my goals right now.  I will post my goals statement hopefully next week.  Sorry it's late.

I did not work at all this week.  I came into town specifically for class on Tuesday and then left again.  The week was spent on viewing, memorial planning and service, hosting family from out of town, consoling my "cousins", etc....

Callie: Week 3

Submitted by tracal27 on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 2:50pm.

Week 3:  Looking for other sources of inspiration.  Sorting through hours of tape, narrowing down to a few minutes to work with.

At least that was the plan. anyway.  I have been breaking up my work into Mondays and Fridays.  Tuesday we have class, and I work at Media Loan and in the Animation Lab all day Wednesday and Thursday.  With the MMl hours only being in the afternoons, that leaves Monday and Friday afternoons to work on my project. 
Monday I spent looking through my tapes and logging some intreresting movements that I might like to expand for my dance video.  I also spent a while looking online for sources of inspration- what other videos online include dance as a theme?  Where do I see a focus on movement as content?  Time/Space relationships?  At this point I felt like I was getting somewhere.  I was mostly on time with my personal work schedule and making some headway.
Thursday I got a devastating call.
Jann Reber, my mother's best friend since Junior High- 30+ years had been visiting us for a few weeks.  She suddenly passed away at 50 from an aneurism.  This threw my whole family into a spin.
No work Friday.

Callie: Week 2

Submitted by tracal27 on Tue, 05/01/2007 - 4:30pm.

Week 2:  I had no child care to attend evening session with Peter Rose.  I would have liked this opportunity.  I thought about bringing her, but I did that last year to an artist talk and we ended up having to leave and just being a disruption.
I enjoyed the Tuesday session.  At first I did not remember the name "Peter Rose", but I definitely recognized his work as we went along.  Good times.  I am interested at looking at more of his work as it concerns my project- issues of time and space, etc.  I am more fascinated by his work with time and space than the language projects.
Being back, I felt thrown into the middle and out of place.  Struggling to catch up a little, but only with myself, so where does the stress come from?

Callie: Week 1

Submitted by tracal27 on Tue, 05/01/2007 - 4:25pm.
I spent week 1 in Denver visiting family.  My daughter and I had a wonderful time.  It was a period of much needed rest and relaxation, reconnection, and supposed preparation for my final quarter here at Evergeen.  For half a second, I was a tad excited about coming back to work and school.  What happened to that feeling?
I did do a little caching.  This got me thinking about the caching animation again and what I might be able to do with it...

Callie: Personal Schedule...

Submitted by tracal27 on Tue, 05/01/2007 - 4:18pm.

I've been told that my blogging here is too informal and hard to read.  I will therefore create a new story post for each of the things included in my original posts, broken up by assignment and by week for the running weekly update.

SO here goes:
Personal schedule for the quarter:
Week 1: Denver
Week 2:  Catch up.  Tuesday session with Peter Rose, creating blog, etc.
Week 3:  Viewing tape, sorting still images
Week 4:  Log and Capture
Week 5:  Experiment with registration, lining up frames, time changes, etc.
Week 6:  WIP critique
Week 7: review WIP, steamline, make changes, experiment with still frames on second video
Week 8:  WIP critique
Week 9:  make adjustments, potential soundtrack work, depending on time restrictions
Week 10:  make adjustments after final critique

Callie: Goals this Spring...

Submitted by tracal27 on Mon, 04/30/2007 - 2:16pm.

Well, there are a few things I have talked about already and some new stuff to do...

1.  prepare geocaching animation for inclusion on
2.  work on dancing video- hopefully finish video editing, leaving only soundtrack incomplete
3.  create a list of possible positions I might be qualified for/ enjoy (not necessarily specific job openings, but general job descroptions to help me narrow my search)
4.  Close out some old issues concerning past classes in preparation for graduation
5.  Revise and renew old resume
This is just a list, oh, crap.  I know that the assignments page says don't just post a list.  But the truth is I feel really disassociated with the process here.  I don't know where to even begin looking for a job.  And I don't mean resources- of course there are plenty of sites with loads of available jobs.  I mean, I don't know where I will live.  And with several open projects, I don't want to waste alot of time working a job search that in the end is invalid.  But I will prepare my resume.  actually, I will prepare files with possible categories to be used to create a custom resume for each job.  I have used this technique in the past and it seems to work well.  Then I just cut and paste in a general template wua-la.
My geocaching animation is a problem...somehow I seem to have lost a few of the original sound source files.  I will look on the office computer in the animation lab where I put some of it together last summer.  Barring that, I will have to recreate what I did.  aargh.  There are a few focusing problems during the animation that I was trying to get rid of as well.  It seems the only way to fix it, though, is to pull each frame out seperately and photoshop-fix them one at a time.  aargh-aargh.
As for past issues- there are a couple of classes for which I never wrote a self-eval.  I'm told that I have to do that to officially graduate.

latest from Callie...4/30/07

Submitted by tracal27 on Tue, 04/17/2007 - 12:01pm.
Week 5:
The services went well, but it meant that I did not work or come to school after Tuesday.  I kind of panicked this morning thinking it was week 6 and I was set to present at WIP tomorrow.  But it is week 5 and that gives me a few days to get something ready.
I talked to my mother this weekend.  Our extended family (we stick together) is considering a long awaited move to Denver over the summer.  This changes my goals somewhat, but gives a new area to look for potential employment. 
I will spend some time on Mon and more on Fri working on my project.  The hours of the MMl limit me somewhat, as I have to get Ellie at 5, but I should be able to get something interesting ready for WIP next week.
Week 4
Project is moving slowly.  Senioritis Attacks!!  But still moving.
I am also working on "fixing" a few problems in my caching animation.  I emailed backand forth with a member of Groundspeak, the company that runs the most prevalent caching website, and they are interested in posting my animation as a fun feature on their site.  Perhaps as an intro to caching in general.  I am trying now to get it ready for posting.
Someone very close to me died Thursday.  I am having a really difficult time staying motivated for any activity, least of all school and work.
Will update again ....later.
I am not prepared to consider my goals right now.  I will post my goals statement hopefully next week.  Sorry it's late.

Well, I have been very busy...

Missed week one- out of town.  I took my daughter to see family in Denver.
Week 2:  No child care to attend evening session with Peter Rose.  Enjoyed the Tuesday session.  At first I did not remember the name "Peter Rose", but I definitely recognized his work as we went along.  Good times.  I am interested at looking at more of his work as it concerns my project- issues of time and space, etc.

Time-slice adaptation: treatment

Submitted by tracal27 on Tue, 01/16/2007 - 1:43pm.

Callie Travis

Project Treatment

SOS Media

Winter 2007