Week 2

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Assignment Week 2:

[edit] Group #1 MYSPACE:

1. The group is a meeting place of online photos, comments, blogs, and postings with people all over the U.S. It is a social networking website, that has groups in it- like the Seattle group, or Evergreen group. It is at least 100 million accounts, it is not formal, it is causal. Funded by advertising, established in 2003. It has a good reputation for networking, but a risky reputation in the professional work.

2. The website is setup to be user friendly, you can completely create your page the way you want it. It includes, blogs, multimedia, comments, music, HTML formatting, bulletins, groups.

3. The web site has its own news, and classifieds. Considering “Tom”, the web site creator is a link on every member’s page; it is easy to communicate between members and the company. The only request made by Myspace is not to put bad language or nude or overly controversial things on it. Overall Myspace is extremely liberal and does not try to interfere with its members. In terms of activism : “Activist group MoveOn.org has criticized MySpace, claiming that the website practices censorship by not showing anti-media ads, removing fake profiles for high-profile media executives like Rupert Murdoch, and allegedly attempting to force users away from using third-party flash applications on their profiles.[79] MySpace also generated controversy for censoring You Tube videos.”1

4. The website is user friendly, I can connect to anyone I want, I enjoy using it. Myspace allows people to network-that was what it was made for, and that is what is provides. Overall the web site is polished, easily to understand, to communicate, to post interesting things about oneself, to learn about others, to socially engage and respond.

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MySpace#Politics

[edit] Group #2 Olympia Food Co-op

1. Olympia food co-op is a place where a group of members can buy healthy, sustainable, organic food. They can also communicate with their community of participants. They own two stores in Olympia, which started in 1977 and has grown to doing over 2 million in business in 1991. They are well liked by the Olympian community.

2. The co-op has a web page http://www.olympiafood.coop/mission.html, the .coop at the end signifies a cooperative business. The webpage is easy to navigate with clear header at the top of the page. The web page has a lot of good quality information. I would like even more info like financial stats. Community activities, links, more community connections, and product information.

3. Activism-They let one know how to become a member online, and what the member benefits are. They teach cooking classes, and inform the community about healthy products. They publish a newsletter that is available online, or in print.

4. The web site is user friendly- but it needs more information, more history, more community links, and more product information!!! The basics of the web page are there…. But the information put into the page could be a lot more!