Blogosphere Annotated Bibliography
From digmovements
[edit] We The Media
- Gilmor, Dan. We The Media: Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People. Cambridge: O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2006, 2nd ed.
- This book is written by journalist and newspaper reporter Dan Gilmor. In it, Gilmor describes the state of transformation currently underway in the practice of journalism in the United States. He starts with a brief history of citizen journalism, from the founding to the present. Then he turns to the current revolution in the news created by social media platforms, such as blogs, wikis, video blogs, and so on.
- The book's discussion of the role of social media in the Howard Dean campaign informed this paper's discussion of how some of the most successful current political blogs were founded.
- Gilmor is a careful journalist, with a readable writing style. The book grows out of his own reporting the past few years. It is well documented.
[edit] "Out of Print"