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Spring syllabusSpring syllabus below. Please read schedule and expectations for each subject area. The current time-table for independent study groups, and study group assignments are as follows: Group 1, Tuesdays 1:15-2:15: Applied Mathematics (Mikkel, Matt F, Drew) Group 2, Tuesdays 2-3: Proofs (Carl, Sumner, Sophie) Group 3, Tuesdays 2:15-3: Complex Analysis (Matt F, Gabrielle, Malcolm, Drew) Group 4, Tuesdays 3-4: Sets and History of Math (Ryan, Ari, Annie, Matt G, Sophie, Malcolm) Group 5, Fridays 3-4: Ordinary Differential Equations (Paul B, Mikkel, Gabrielle, Drew, Ari, Carl) Group 6, Tuesdays 3-4: Algebra (C, Sumner) Weeks 9-10 Schedule of Exams and Presentations: See link below to the schedule. Note: ALL students doing independent study are expected to come to all presentations, even if you are not doing a presentation yourself. Let me know right away of any scheduling conflicts. Any other Math Systems students are also welcome at the presentations.