Activities 4 &6

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Submitted by Steven on Mon, 03/17/2008 - 2:55am.
A Beautiful Day 

For my day I decided that there were certain things that I wanted to get done.

  1. I wanted to make some thing
  2. I wanted to teach someone how to do something
  3. I wanted to help someone
  4. I wanted to learn something new
  5. I wanted to be stress free

For the wanting to make something I got my chance as soon as I went to work. I found out that that there was an art project going on with the children at work and I decided that I would join in on what they were making; I had not been able to express my artistic side for awhile.


For wanting to teach someone how to do something also came at work. One of the boys that I work with wanted to learn how to tie his shoes so I showed him how, he can not do it yet, but he is learning and I was the one who started to teach him how to tie his shoes.


For wanting to help some one a friend was having a hard time with something and I invited her over so that she could talk about it, and not over the phone, in a personal setting. After she had finished talking she told me that I helped to have someone she could talk to that just listened and did not offer an opinion about what happened.


And for learning something new, after my class that night, not this class, I was talking to a classmate who plays a computer game online that I enjoy playing. In this game I am having trouble getting to the level that I want to be, and she told me that is was because the type of character that I was playing other people don’t like to play with that type because they are showboats and people don’t play them right. She told me with character to play to get to the level that I want to be at fast. That is what I learned that day.


I was not able to meet the stress less day


All in all I would say that I was able to have a beautiful day I was not able to complete only one of the five things that I wanted to do and I believe that the reason I was unable to complete that one was for the fact that it was unreasonable.


When I started thinking about things that people had done to me that hurt me I had one keep popping up. This thing happened many years ago and it is the one really big one that I have not forgiven yet and I am not ready to do so yet. So since I was not ready to forgive this big one I had to settle on forgiving a smaller thing. A few days ago I had some friends over and we were hanging out when the two girls said that they needed to talk in privet and asked if the could use my room witch I said that they could. After awhile they comeback out and we started to play some more poker. I noticed that something was different, they were more relaxed, I did not think anything of it. When they left I went into my room and found empty beer bottles and an empty pack of cigarettes, this bothered me because I don’t smoke and I don’t drink in the apartment, I live an a substance free dorm and my friends new this. I also noticed that my drawers to my dresser had been gone through. So I called and left a message for my friend to call me, she left me a message asking what it was about I left her a message telling her what I noticed. She emailed me and admitted to having done the things and when I asked why she went through my drawers she had told me that she was looking for a lighter  I told her 2 hours before that I din not have one. I understand that she had a hard day and that she needed to relax but I din not think it appropriate to go into my room and drink when she knew that its not allowed in the apartment. After a couple of days I let It go and realized that there is nothing that I can do about it. I forgave her and we talked it through and we are still cool.