Delwin's blog

Delwin's elevator ride

Submitted by Delwin on Sun, 01/27/2008 - 12:23am.

There are several strategies I use for lifting my mood and slowing my cognitive processes and physiological arousal. Among them are prayer and meditation, controlled breathing exercises, walking (preferably with my dogs) , 12 step meetings, and music. Though out this last week I have felt the stress of deadlines. As a result I have had an opportunity to all of these techniques. I feel fortunate as a recovering addict I have had cause to examine the threat of stress to my recovery. The first thing I have had to learn is how I manifest stress. For me it seems there is an unlimited list. I think among the most common are my rumination, frustration, short temper/anger are just a few. When I find myself feeling tense the first think I have learned is to stop and take several deep breaths in 1234 hold 1234 out 1234 hold 1234 repeat. As I continue to do this I often use the tense and release exercise. This is where I tense and relax different areas of my bodies one after the other. This works to help me reduce both my Physical and mental stress. I also try to stop several times a day and turn my attention to nature sky and earth and just give thanks for being alive this always help put things in perspective. I also find the fellowship of friends in and out of my 12 step program reminds me that stress/pain shared is lessened. I will often put one of my ceremonial Cds in and sing along I have learned that music is medicine. As I seem to be very vulnerable to stress I use these strategies often (daily).

Compton Paper

Submitted by Delwin on Fri, 01/25/2008 - 8:50am.

From Reading An Introduction to Positive Psychology Compton (2005) I learned a basic understanding of positive psychology. In chapter one about the history of Positive psychology. That the term Positive psychology was first used by Martin E. P. Seligman in 1998, at the time President of the American Psychological Association “to create a new direction and new orientation for psychology”. As a reminder of psychology’s mission: to build human strength and nurture genius. Chapter one also defined it as “positive psychology studies what people do right how they manage to do it”. In defining the focus of Positive psychology (Seligman and Csikzentmihalyi, 2000) listed the following three, positive subjective states, positive individual traits, and positive institutions. The book offers this partial list studied in Positive psychology: “altruism and empathy, building enriching communities, creativity, forgiveness and compassion, the role of positive emotions in job satisfaction, the enhancement of immune system functioning, lifespan models of positive personality development, styles of psychotherapy that emphasize accomplishments and positive traits, savoring each fleeting moment of life, strengthening the virtues as way to increase authentic happiness, and the psychological benefits of Zen meditation

Delwin's first entry

Submitted by Delwin on Thu, 01/10/2008 - 11:29pm.

Hi everyone,

This is my fifth quarter a TESC I went to Pierce College for my AA in chemical dependency. I am a 57 year old male I am married seven years. We live in Rochester have two dogs a cat and a bird. I have been working as a chemical dependency counselor for the past two years at Northwest Resources in Olympia, WA. I am in recovery my self and will celebrate 14 years clean/sober on the 26th of January. Hey J With Dr. Hurst I have taken Good and Evil program (two quarters), theories of counseling, and an independent study during which I had the pleasure of working with Kricket, Brandon, and Meredith with Mark on this program (spectator mostly). I am grateful to be involved in the positive psychology program as I believe in focusing on our strengths for life satisfaction. Well that’s enough from me for now look forward working with all of you this quarter.

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