
The Resilience Factor earns "TWO THUMBS DOWN!"

Beth's picture
Submitted by Beth on Tue, 02/12/2008 - 12:26pm.

Positive Psychology

Instructor:  Dr Mark Hurst, Winter 2007/08

Student:  Elizabeth Lahren, A00092341


February 12, 2008

Gratitude Letter and Three Blessings Activities

Sue-Marie's picture
Submitted by Sue-Marie on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 2:45pm.

Gratitude Letter and Visit

            The challenge for me with the Gratitude Letter and Visit exercise was to think of someone locally for whom I hadn’t already done this because I tend to be quite acknowledging of the people in my life.  Then I thought about my former office manager, a woman named Ruth.  She still works for the company I used to own and operate, although I’ve since sold out and gone back to school.  We have maintained our friendship although we don’t see each other often.  As a boss, I was frequently annoyed by her because she moves at a much slower rate than I do and is chronically 15 minutes late to work.  She also has a demanding daughter and grandchildren who often called her during the day to talk about things I considered trivial.  I never considered Ruth one of my best employees, but she was very loyal and always brought her keen sense of humor to the job with her.  My life back then was a crazy roller coaster of high octane stress and I know I was often very difficult to work with but she hung in with me through thick and thin.

Csikszentmihalyi in Seattle Monday 2/11 and Tuesday 2/12

Jeanne K.'s picture
Submitted by Jeanne K. on Tue, 02/05/2008 - 7:53pm.

Hey everyone! I'm super excited because Csikszenthialyi (the flow guy) will be speaking as part of a lecture series at the UW on Monday 2/11 and Tuesday 2/12. It's a bit of a hike for some of you but it's free. here's the link to find more info:

It couldn't have happened at a better time for me becuase i am doing a contract in psychology and creativity this quarter as well as the Pos. Psych class. Serendipitous, no?

PS. if you want to go you have to RSVP to:

hope to see you there! 


Compton Response

Walter L. Harris's picture
Submitted by Walter L. Harris on Sat, 02/02/2008 - 8:54am.
I liked they way that Mr. Compton walked you back through the history of Psychology to show how the positive side was overlooked throughout history.  He talked about the three major dimensions: positive subjective states, positive traits, and positive institutions. I understood the positive traits and the positive subjective states, but I couldn’t figure out the positive institutions!  He also talked about how our emotions come from hereditary factors, if so how much? Why can people create different emotions from similar events through their interpretation? I thought about this for awhile and I came up with the fact that it’s in the processing of the information.

Basketball Video Segment

Kricket's picture
Submitted by Kricket on Fri, 02/01/2008 - 6:34pm.

What concepts from class do you see in this video? Consider the material from Seligman's book, the Core Virtues and Signature Strengths, and concepts from the Compton book. Also just in watching the video how did you feel? Exhilarated, a sense of joy, a physiological response?


Sorry, I lost the video link. I will re-establish it soon. Kricket

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