Gratitude letter By Taurell Reboulet

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Submitted by Taurell Reboulet on Sat, 02/16/2008 - 6:02pm.
Gratitude letter Makenna, we have been together for close to five years now, the happiest five years I can remember. Before we where together I was struggling with many aspects of life, depression, bad relationships, and poor self-confidence. Then I found you. Over the years I have been able to understand so much about myself because of you. As well as truly appreciate what it is to be with some one as profoundly caring, loving and understanding as you. You have always been there for me through the hard times when I was struggling to find my self, till now when I am fallowing my passions and enjoying life to the fullest. There are some many things I would like to thank you for, but if I tried to write them all down it would fill a whole novel, so these are some of the ones I felt strongly about.   Form the very begin you have always been able to give me space when I need it, from traveling to Thailand to taking  breaks apart, you have been so understanding and willing. When we first started dating you had such a hard time with the fact that I was a partier, I would spend most of my weekends out with friends getting drunk and doing things that you didn’t all ways agree with but you still let me do them, you have always let me make my own choices with out making me feel bad about them. You’re such a good listener, even when all I’m doing is complaining you still listen to me, you truly care about what I’m saying and are so will to make time to talk. For as long as I have know you, you have tried to help others, including me, when ever I’m stressed your so willing to help with what ever you can to reduce my stress levels even when your stressed as well. One of the most amazing aspects about you is how your always so positive, when ever I feel low you're their to tell me something positive, you’re so quick to point out the positive aspects about me and down play the negative which as helped me see my strengths so much clearer and your almost never condescending when you point out when I being an ass.  One of the skills that you have that sometimes I’m not very good at is compromising. You’re so willing to find a balance even when you know I’m being self-centered. Looking back over the years, thinking about all the family and friends you have introduced me to, I have meet some amazing people just by being with you, not only that but when ever any one starts to bad mouth me or tells you something about me that negative you have always stuck up for me and defended me. When I first meet you, you where so confused and upset with how things where going in your life, but you trusted me with every detail of yourself. Letting me see every aspect of you, from the best to worst, to very sad to the most joyful. Now that we live together I get to know even more about you.  Over these five years we have had some great times with each other, with friends and family but the most fun I have had is being able to watch you grow into the amazing women you are today. I am just so grateful to have you in my life and to share my own with you. I can’t wait to see where our relationship takes us.Thank you so much Makenna for being you.  I found this letter to be such a up lifting exercise, spending the time to think about all the great things my girlfriend had done for me and is still doing was almost to perfect of timing for valentines day. Which is when I decided to read the letter to her. It was so hard to read it out loud with out getting choked up, and she was crying the whole time. I did something like this for my mom my senior year in high school to thank her for raising me and being there as much as she had but I wish I had read it to her like I did for this assignment. This was by far the best homework assignment I have very had to do. 


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