A Beautiful Day

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Submitted by Patricia S on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 9:06am.

Positive Psychology                                                                                          Patricia Sims

“A Beautiful Day”                                                                                             02/29/08


            Every year, around this time, a group of us head toward the ocean; we get a room on the Washington or Oregon coast, a room with a view of the ocean, a hot tub, and access to a masseuse or masseur.  We, as Seligman says, “bask, give thanks, marvel, and luxuriate”.  Our day(s) usually go like this:

            - Morning walks on the beach, playing with our dogs, nothing lifts my spirits more than watching my dog running on the beach, grinning ear to ear (both of us), her usually flopped-down ears standing straight up as she races in circles of doggie delight.

            - The fresh air of the ocean rejuvenates the body, the mind, the spirit and the appetite – clam chowder always hits the spot.  We usually wander slowly through the shops and art galleries of whatever little town we are near, savoring the sights and sounds of a new location.

            - After lunch is a great time to find a sand dune to curl up next to with a good book.  I always think I will read but most of the time I just lay back, adjust the sand so it fits me perfectly and listen to the waves, watch the birds, clouds, kites or drift off – perfectly content with now.

            - It’s time for another walk on the beach.  Now that my dog is a little older she will tolerate napping to a certain extent but beaches were made for walking on not sleeping on.  So we gather everyone up for another sea-shell gathering, mud sniffing, water splashing romp.

            - Sunsets are my favorite time at the beach.  Breathtaking purples, oranges, reds, blues, and yellows.  We walk slowly and mostly backwards to our room in awe.

            - Everyone tumbles into the room laughing at nothing and everything.  It’s that goofy kind of funny that comes at the end of a long day of perfection.  We all talk at once about what to do next: dinner, massage, hot tub.  We talk but no one is moving very quickly.  Time takes on a different tone when you leave home; yesterday’s troubles are forgotten, tomorrow’s troubles don’t exist, now is all there is and it’s a fresh breath of perfection.  Sea and sand have once again polished off the rough edges of my life and friends have filled me with joy.


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